2.17 - The Final Frontier

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Although the Enterprise returned to Starfleet Academy on Earth at around midday, the rest of the day was spent dealing with the injured and was given to the crew to relax and process what they had just gone through.

Jim had taken Cali by the hand and dragged him away from all the medics and officers, needing to just get away with him. He ended up settling down at a large oak tree in the middle of campus, leaning his back against the bark. Despite his aching body, Jim still managed to easily pull Cali down with him, not that the Polyvore put up a fight, so that his boyfriend was laying on the grass, his head resting on Jim's lap. And that was how they stayed, Jim playing with Cali's hair silently while they both watched the clouds float across the blue sky and individually processed what they just went through in the comforting presence of the other.

They were completely content to just be in each other's company all the way until sunset.

As Cali opened his eyes, having dozed off slightly to the feeling of Jim's hand running through his hair and the gentle wind around him, to see the sky filled with oranges and pinks and purples. He looked in awe for a moment, always loving Earth sunsets, before his gaze moved to his lover.

Jim was already smiling down at him, content to just watch him peacefully nap on him. It gave him time to process everything that had happened. He had almost died so many times and each and every time his possibly final thoughts went straight to Cali. The angel was all he could think about. He knew he loved him. He loved him so much it hurt. Looking into those gentle blue eyes, Jim was overwhelmed again with love. Jim slowly leant down to kiss Cali but winced and had to sit back up after he felt his rib scream out.

Cali slowly sat up, placing his hand on over Jim's legs for support as he looked Jim over with gentle amusement. "You really need to see Bones." He scolded softly.

But Jim ignored him, looking over his boyfriend's beautiful features, the light of the setting sun making his hair glow like a halo. "Don't ruin the mood." He joked softly in a whisper, leaning in once again, ignoring his own wince as he connected his lips with Cali's.

The kiss was soft and expressed all of their overwhelming love for each other as Jim lifted one hand to lace in Cali's hair gently.

As they slowly pulled away, they just opened their eyes and stared at each other. No words were needed to express what they felt. They both just knew.

Eventually, as the sun finally set fully and the lights around campus all turned on, Cali and Jim made their way to Cali's apartment, connected hands swaying gently in the breeze together as they walked.

Cali had to help Jim with his clothes and made him promise to go see Bones first thing in the morning after seeing the dark purple and green bruises that covered Jim's back, ribs, and neck as well as the scrapes and lighter bruised that covered his hands, arms, and legs. But he let him put it off as they just stayed in each other's company for the night, not needed to say a word as they finally fell asleep together under Cali's fur blanket, letting the day's nightmare fade away to sleep.


The next morning, after Jim had a much-needed shower, with Cali's assistance, he made his way to Bones. The older man immediately scolded Jim for not coming sooner, even telling Cali off for not dragging him down to see him. Jim had to spend pretty much the whole morning getting a check-up and having all of his many injuries seen too. The only reason he was let out so early was because there was another academy assembly they all had to get to.

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