2.8 - Vulcan

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Captain Pike led the group through the many corridors of the Enterprise. Spock followed Pike first with Jim directly behind, who still had a strong grip on Cali's hand making him follow along while Sulu was at the back.

Jim had grabbed Cali's hand for comfort and decided he would still need the moral support, and not wanting to leave Cali alone on the bridge when he would be leaving and Spock was following along, he decided to bring him along. He knew that Pike had noticed, but the man was probably amused by the act and so didn't mention anything.

Cali felt somewhat awkward, knowing he was meant to be back on the bridge, but trusted Uhura to man the station while he was being kidnapped by his partner. Plus, he didn't mind staying close to Jim and Spock, wanting to keep an eye on them.

Spock felt similarly. Though he wanted Cali to stay safe on the bridge, he was somewhat pleased when Jim decided to bring him along, as then he could stay with him and escort him back to the bridge after.

As they reached engineering, Pike started explaining the plan. "Without transporters, we can't beam off the ship, we can't assist Vulcan, we can't do our job. Mister Kirk, Mister Sulu, Engineer Olson, will space-jump from the shuttle. You will land on that machine they lowered into the atmosphere that's scrambling our gear. You'll get inside. You'll disable it, then you'll beam back to the ship. Mister Spock, I'm leaving you in command of the Enterprise. Once we have transport capabilities, communications back up, you'll contact Starfleet, report what the hell's going on here. And if all else fails, fall back, rendezvous with the fleet in the Laurentian system. Kirk, I'm promoting you to first officer."

"What?" Jim exclaimed, exchanging a look with his boyfriend that he still held the hand of.

"Captain?" Spock questioned, believing Pike to be joking, "Please, I apologize. The complexities of Human pranks escape me."

"It's not a prank, Spock. And I'm not the Captain, you are. Let's go." Pike announced, but paused, noting with amusement the fact that Cali was still being dragged along by Kirk, "And Kirk, release the Cadet so he can go back to the bridge."

Cali laughed lightly as Jim finally let go of his hand, just before he went to follow after the captain, or ex-captain. "Be safe." Cali said quietly to Jim as he moved away from him, though his partner heard and flashed a reassuring smile at him as he turned to Pike.

"Sir, after we knock out that drill, what happens to you?"

"Oh, I guess you'll have to come and get me." He joked, before turning to Spock, who was stood next to Cali on the outside of the turbolift, "Careful with the ship, Spock. She's brand new."

The lift doors closed leaving Spock and Cali alone. Cali looked up at Spock and smiled as he looked back down at him and gave a nod before they both started backtracking to the bridge.

As they walked back, Spock kept an eye on Cali, who looked immediately worried as soon as he had heard what Jim had to do, though hadn't said anything and seemed to be hiding it quite well. Turning to look at him as they walked, he spoke, attempting to comfort the anxious man who had offered the same to him. "If there is one thing that I have observed about your partner, it is that he is stubborn. He will make his way back. You should not worry, Caliaire."

Cali laughed lightly at Spock's observation, especially due to how true it was, and turned a thankful smile up to him. "Thank you, Spock." He said, just as they arrived back at the bridge. As Spock made his way to the captain's seat, Cali moved over to the science stations, seeing that Uhura was still at his previous one, he sat at the one Spock had been at and got back to work.

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