1.4 - The Morning After

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This time, it was Cali to wake up first, fairly early in the morning. He stirred feeling much better than he thought he would after consuming so much alcohol. He once again thanked the Elder God for ensuring he was always wake up able to work. 

Opening his eyes, he quickly realised that he had ended up in Jim's bed again and smiled, looking over to see his still sleeping companion. Looking over what showed of him under the light grey covers, Cali's face felt warm as he spotted many purple bruised that had formed on his neck, collarbone and shoulders and wondered if he had matching blue ones anywhere on him. Biting his lip, he smiled contently through his embarrassment at the sight of Jim sleeping peacefully.

After a few minutes, Jim began to stir. Remembering what he was like the last time Jim had woken up to Cali in his bed, he pretended to sleep, hoping to make it less awkward. He knew that Jim had asked him for drinks but the anxiety of whether or not he actually wanted it to go in this direction still caused Cali to close his eyes.

As he woke up, Jim quickly became acutely aware of three things. One, his head was killing him, he'd obviously overdone it on the drinks again. Two, there was someone else in the bed with him. Three, he knew that that someone was Cali, who he'd been out with and could actually remember sharing the bed with the night before. 

Opening his eyes and looking over, he couldn't help but smile as he was greeted with the sight of an angel in his bed again. Jim could see a dark blue love bite on Cali's lower neck and realised he very likely had several as well if Cali's extreme biting last night were anything to go by. 

Luckily for Cali, his one looked low enough that it would be completely covered by his uniform collar. 

Unluckily for Jim, he was not confident that he could say the same. 

He also noted that Cali's hair was messier than last time and yet somehow still elegantly laid out on the pillow, only one lock out of place as it trailed down his cheek and tickled his eyelashes. Lifting his hand up slowly so not to disturb the sleeping angel, he gently brushed the loose strand of darkened silver from his eye and behind his blue tinted ear.

Cali couldn't stop the content smile that forced itself onto his face and decided that he wanted to see Jim's beautiful face again, pretending to stir. Opening his eyes, he was very pleasantly surprised to see his smile matched on Jim's lips rather than the confused look he had feared he would see. "Morning." He smiled in a sleepy but content voice, slightly gruff from the sleep still in his throat making Jim's insides shiver.

"Good morning." Jim quickly replied, equally as content, a satisfied smirk on his lips.

"I half don't want to move but I have classes to prep for." Cali thought aloud causing Jim to smirk even more satisfied.

"We'd better get changed then." Jim replied, though very reluctantly, as he sat up slightly. Cali followed his lead, and both got up fully and began searching for clothes.

Once again, Jim finished quickly after putting on a fresh set of clothes from his wardrobe while Cali had barely found his underwear from the strewn clothes all over the floor. Settling comfortably at the end of the bed, Jim watched in disappointment as each bit of skin was covered as Cali found and replaced his clothes. Cali, of course, noticed his audience but continued casually, though with a slight smirk, as if he couldn't feel Jim's hungry eyes on him. 

When he finally had his waistcoat on, he joined Jim sitting on the bed to finish with the last few buttons of his shirt. "I had fun last night." Cali said as he settled his arms behind him and leant back, looking at Jim next to him.

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