1.16 - Comfort

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Still waiting for Cali just outside the classroom, Bones was shocked when the door suddenly slammed open and Cali rushed out, slipping past him quickly and down the now empty corridor. He quickly chased after Cali, still wanting to find out what was wrong and comfort his friend. As he finally caught up to the younger man, grabbing his shoulders to finally stop his movements, he moved in front of him so they could talk. 

However, Bones was shocked to see tears rolling down Cali's cheeks. Forgetting about confronting him, Bones quickly pulled Cali into a hug, trying to comfort the man, allowing him to cry into his shoulder.

Bones ended up escorting Cali home, setting him on the couch silently. He stayed to try and help him, but Cali didn't speak a word to him, just staring off into space, tear stains covering his bluish cheeks.

After an hour of silence, Bones was becoming desperate. He stepped outside and pulled out his communicator, calling Jim.


Jim had just gotten back from his last class and collapsed rather ungracefully onto his bed when his communicator started going off in his back pocket. Groaning in annoyance, he pulled it out, answering with a disinterested hum after seeing it was Bones.

"Jim," Bones' voice calls out on the other end of the line, "I'm at Cali's apartment. I'm really worried about him. He left his lesson crying and hasn't said a word since."

Jim sat up immediately, suddenly very aware, his eyes wide, "What?"

"You've gotta forget whatever you two argued about, get over here and help him. He needs you." He replied and Jim was able to hear how seriously worried he was.

"I'm on my way." He replied instantly, already having jumped up and rushing out of his dorm, not bothering to grab anything as he left.

"Thank you." Bones responded before hanging up the call.


Getting to Cali's apartment as fast as he could, Jim knocked on the door and was let in by Bones. He didn't even greet his friend, who still looked overwhelmingly worried but also relieved to see him, instead moving immediately to his boyfriend's side on the sofa. As soon as he got there, he could see the absolute state that Cali was in. Dark bags, tear sodden cheeks and bloodshot eyes. 

It was obvious the man hadn't gotten any sleep in a few days. Jim quickly sat close to him on the sofa and pulled him into a tight hug, causing the floodgates to open up as Cali started breaking down again. He clung onto Jim tightly and balled into his shoulder. Except this time, he spoke. A complete mess, his words were completely indecipherable to Bones, but Jim managed to understand them him.

"Spock asked me about the incident and I had to tell him everything. He knows about all the rumours. He knows how shitty I am. I can't see him anymore. Cause of those stupid rumours. Why do people do this? What did I do to them? Just cause I'm a Polyvore they think I'm this disgusting thing. I wish I were human. Then I wouldn't be so weird. And people wouldn't hate me for something I couldn't control." Cali rambled quickly. Barely taking breathes between sentences and yet gasping due to his hysteric crying. "And then you weren't there. And I was alone. And I needed you. I really needed you. I don't want to be alone. But I'm gonna be alone. Why weren't you there?" He continued before breaking down completely into sobs, clinging closer to Jim.

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