1.3 - Cheaters Never Prosper. But Do Playboys?

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Jim had just finished class and was heading to his dorm to relax since it was the last lesson of the day for him when he heard shouting as he approached the library. He almost ignored it, not wanting to get involved if it didn't have anything to do with him before he heard that unforgettable silky voice that caused him to stop and check on what was happening.

Not too far from the little library that he had seen them together at first, he noticed the blueish boy with his boyfriend. It physically pained Jim to see him look so upset, hear so much distress in his voice as he continued his argument with his partner, "I can't believe you would do this!"

The other man looked confused as he shouted back, "Do what? We're in an open relationship!"

"That doesn't mean you get to sleep with anyone anytime and not say! It means that we talk! You didn't. You cheated on me!"

"You said I could sleep with whoever whenever!" he countered angrily; his confusion being defeated quickly by annoyance at the other man.

"Yeah, if you talked to me about it. I always tell you before I'm gonna go after someone in case it makes you uncomfortable, that's what you're meant to do. That's what we said we'd do when we started this! I would have very likely said yes if you asked if it made you happy to have another long-term partner I would have said yes! But you didn't feel like telling me—"

"—That's not true—" he interrupted, appearing even more pissed but the other kept going, ignoring him,

"—You thought you'd just be with someone behind my back. For two months! That's not open, that's cheating!"

"Like you can talk slut." He spit out venomously, his distressed face morphing to a glare aimed at the other man.

The silver-haired-man suddenly froze. His face dropping as all fight abandoned him. Anger sizzling out with shock as he barely managed to whisper "Wha—?" with a broken voice.

"You've probably slept with everyone in the academy. Like I'd want to be with used goods."


"So, fuck off. I'm done with you." He finished angrily, giving one final glare before storming off in the opposite direction leaving the man looking broken and alone, tears staining his cheeks as he stared after his boyfriend, his ex boyfriend.

Jim couldn't stop himself from glaring at the retreating man on behalf of the upset one before his eyes softened to worry, looking back at the man who had him so captivated. He watched him just stand there for a second before he looked at the ground, whipping the tears from his eyes and cheeks with his sleeves and palms. He took a deep breathe and Jim watched in horror as he smiled that same bright smile that Jim had fallen in love with as if nothing had happened. 

That broke Jim. That fact that that beautiful man could be standing there crying and then just smile as if nothing had happened, hurt. To hide himself so easily. To even need to know that skill. To be so good at it. What had his life been like that he'd learned so proficiently to hide his emotions behind such a beautiful smile so effortlessly? 

He watched as the boy walked inside the library and disappeared inside. Jim stood frozen, not sure what to do in that moment after witnessing that, before realising he was being an idiot and quickly hurrying inside after him.


As usual, there were very few people in this particular library and the few that were there all had their heads buried in their PADDs and computers trying to focus on their work. He scanned the room for a moment by the entrance before he spotted the familiar head of darkened silver hair sat at an otherwise empty desk in the very corner of the room. He observed him for a moment, noting nothing that would even suggest the argument Jim had just witnessed having ever taken place. Steeling his nerves, he slid on his usually smirk and approached, slipping into the seat directly opposite.

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