1.1 - Drunken One Night Stands

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Jim was laid out casually on his bed, not particularly doing anything as he stared at the ceiling above him with his famous laid-back smirk curving his lips. His roommate, Bones, was sat at the desk on his side of the room appearing to be doing work. Jim's eyes moved from the same spot on the plain white ceiling to look over at his older roommate and he opened his mouth to talk, "I'm gonna be going out tonight." 

Bones looked up from his PADD that he was working on and at his roommate with a quizzical brow and slightly amused smile. "Please warn me in advance if you're gonna bring a girl round so that I can not be here."

Without missing a beat, Jim answered, "I'm gonna bring a girl round," causing both men to look at each other with amused smiles. While Jim's showed confidence, cocky about his ability to pick up girls as always, Bones' showed his amusement at the younger man's likely misplaced confidence and general attitude.


The morning light shone in from the slightly pulled blinds on the dorm window right onto the closed eyes of the sleeping Jim causing his face to burn from the rays' heat. He stirred but immediately wished he hadn't as pain forced itself into his brain from the excessive amount of alcohol drunk the night before. He opened his eyes slightly but scrunched them shut again quickly before they even had a chance to really open as he pulled his arm up to shield them from that painful morning glow. 

Groaning aloud in discomfort, Jim wished like always that he had been more sensible with the amount he had drunk and cursing empty promises of never drinking again that would be forgotten as soon as they were finished being uttered.

He allowed his arm to fall down lazily but quickly pulled it in towards his body as he felt it brush against bare skin that didn't belong to himself. Raking his dizzy brain, he realised he did not remember much after arriving at the bar and ordering his first few drinks the night before. He must have had a few more than normal, he decided.

Curious about the girl he had managed to persuade to share his bed, he finally allowed his aching eyes to open slowly, first seeing the same white ceiling of his dorm that he had been staring at only hours earlier before looking over at the body that shared the bed next to him, lying on her back. 

Light silverish hair lay circled over the pillow around her head like a halo, darkening at the roots to a purplish grey. It was fairly long, likely reaching her shoulders when down. And even though slightly messy from sleeping and what had happened last night, it looked neat, a messy yet elegant wave throughout its locks that looked like it belonged. 

Though closed, her eyes pulled his to look as he noticed a neat black line surrounding them. He thought she must have been wearing eyeliner but noted that it didn't look like any other makeup was applied. Jim's eyes travelled across the sleeping woman at the rest of her face. Though not particularly beautiful in the normal sense, he couldn't help but stare at her handsome yet soft features as she slept next to him peacefully. A light smile pulling the corners of her lips up delicately and a light blue blush on her pale skin made her look so much like an angel. 

Though there was something about her that his hung-over mind couldn't quite place. Something that was on the tip of his tongue that made him think hard yet find nothing. As he continued to admire her, he noted that the blanket had shifted from his waking movements and now sat lower on her chest. His eyes widened as he realised what had been bugging him about her as his eyes landed on her flat muscular chest that looked suspiciously like...

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