2.4 - Regrets And Reconciliation

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Spock had been working late in his classroom, looking over the corrupted coding of his Kobayashi Maru test. He had already told the academy's board of directors his assumptions of cheating in James kirk's test that afternoon and they had scheduled a disciplinary meeting the next morning, which Cadets would likely be informed about in a few hours, but he had yet to work out how the cadet had hacked into his program or even how he had gotten his hands on it. 

Of course, it was not strictly necessary to have the how in these disciplinaries, though it did make them move along faster if the case was complete, Spock felt personally wronged and responsible for this offence and he needed to know how that cadet had done it. He didn't seem the smartest cadet, even though Spock had looked up his files and saw that he had above average grades in all subjects. But he had failed his past two attempts and even the fact that he felt it necessary to have three attempts at a test most feel reluctant to have a single try on showed how his brain worked.

Spock needed to know. And he'd stay up all night scouring over the code if he had to.

Spock was brought out of his thoughts by a knock on his door. Looking curiously at the time from the clock to the side, he frowned. Who could it be at his door so late? "Come in." He called, looking up at the door to see who would enter his classroom.

But then no one did.

Now ever more curious about who it was who had knocked on his classroom at such a late hour of the night, Spock quickly got up from his desk and walked over. He couldn't hear any running through the door, so he knew the person was either still there, or simply walking away. Either way, he'd be able to catch a glimpse of them further down the long corridor if they had changed their mind and left before he got a chance to open the door.

Though, these thoughts were unnecessary as he swung open the door to find a startled Caliaire standing a few steps away. Surprised to see the cadet, he quickly allowed his eyes to look over him. He was out of uniform, wearing a black shirt that's several undone top buttons made Spock's eyes stall on the pale blueish skin revealed, and smelled faintly of alcohol, making Spock believe he had just been at one of the campus' several bars. But his completion, though slightly blushed from embarrassment, didn't show any signs of being drunk. 

Judging by the widened blue eyes, and conflicted look across his face, Spock assumed that Cali had got lost in thought, the reason he hadn't responded to Spock beckoning him inside.

Frowning at his past friend in slight worry, wondering why he was at his door, Spock questioned him. "Are you alright Cadet Caliaire?"

Meeting Spock's eyes, Cali looked up and Spock could see so much emotion in them, much more than he thought anyone could feel at once. "Commander Spock I..." he started, trailing off as he looked away again, obviously unsure of what to say, if to say anything. Sighing deeply, Cali took a large breath to try and steel his nerves and banish his still racing thoughts. "No. I find myself not feeling well and needing company." he finally admitted before Spock could see the snap on confidence as he looked back down and away, as if about to leave, "I'm sorry, I know we shouldn't—"

Before he could turn to leave fully, Spock stepped out of the way and gestured inside the classroom. "Come in." he said quietly, trying to manage a soft and caring voice.

Cali looked up to meet Spock's eyes again, as if to look for some sign that he were joking before nodding slowly and slipping past the Vulcan to stand a few paces inside the rather dark classroom. 

Spock watched him enter before closing the door, feeling extremely worried about the cadet. He had never seen him look so negatively emotive, so conflicted. Not even on the last day of their past friendship. Walking further up the classroom in order to sit at his desk to talk, Spock paused halfway up the room and turned around. Cali was once again frozen not too far from the doorway, obviously trapped in his mind again. Finding himself extremely troubled by the anxious look on Cali's face, Spock backtracked and approached the man slowly.

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