1.13 - Pecks And Programming

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On the next Thursday, it hadn't got passed Cali that his classmates had all given him looks on their ways out. While some were pitying, obviously feeling bad about the rumours going round, most were jealous or scornful looks with a hint of amusement or mocking, obviously either believing or being the ones responsible for spreading the falsehoods in the first place.

While this all didn't get passed Cali, somehow it did get passed the usually observant Spock. He had now gotten so used to getting right into his own work and ignoring the class as they left, so comfortable in just Cali's presence, that he couldn't sense the unease about him at the beginning. Even after everyone had left. Of course, Cali quickly corrected himself, much better at hiding his emotions than Spock knew, and moulded himself into the same curious and comfortable Cali that his commander had gotten used to.

Looking down at his work, Cali realised he didn't actually have anything to do. Since most of the class had now stopped going to him for help, with the exception of one or two, he had more time in the lesson to focus on himself and had managed to get all of the work done. Sighing, he decided to read over it for something to do. However, this caught the commander's attention, who looked down at him curiously for a moment before speaking up. "Do you require assistance Cadet?"

Looking up, Cali smiled slightly an shook his head, "No, I actually finished my work in lesson, so I'm not sure what to do."

A part of Spock became curious at his response, wondering what had been different about today that made it so that Cali was able to do the work. Whenever he had looked up, the class seemed to be acting the same, barely paying attention and talking among themselves. It looked like Cali had helped out several students as they had called over to him and he had responded before getting on with the work. 

Perhaps they had actually managed to understand the subject matter for that lesson and required less help. Though that didn't make much sense as he was covering a new set of translations that they hadn't seen before. If anything, they would have taken up more of his time for help understanding the complexities of Vulcan grammar and structure. Perhaps it had been too easy for Cali, who always seemed to pick things up a lot quicker than the rest, especially when it came to the language lessons.

Thinking for a moment, he called Cali up to his desk, telling him to bring his PADD. Cali looked confused and almost unsure for a moment before doing so, grabbing his PADD, and coming to stand next to him at the desk. When he came to a stop, he passed it to the commander who took it and began going through the work. 

The work was perfect, Spock was unable to spot a single mistake. It was as if the work was done by a native Vulcan. Looking up at Cali, Spock was unable to mask his impressed look as he handed the PADD back. "Good work Caliaire, I could not find any faults." Cali smiled brightly, unable to control the bubble of pride that swelled at the compliment from the Vulcan.

Before he could reply his thanks, Cali's communicator started going off in his pocket. Confused, knowing his alarm wasn't meant to go off for another 50 or so minutes, he quickly pulled it out and saw that it was Jim. Immediately answering the communicator, he flashed Spock an apologetic look but then focused on the call, "Hey love, what's wrong?"

"Hey, I'm really sorry, I know it's your study time with Spock, but I really really need your help with something!" Jim answered quickly, his tone clearly in distress, "It's an emergency or I wouldn't call."

"Of course, where are you?" Cali answered quickly.

"Thank you, you're an angel." Cali couldn't help the small smile that broke his concerned face, quite fond of Jim's name for him, "We're in my dorm. I'll make it up to you, I promise."

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