2.9 - Vulnerability

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What finally broke everyone out of their shock was when a team of medical staff entered the transporter pad, intent on escorting the lot of them to medbay to get a check over. Although Cali had been excluded from this, since he hadn't been off the ship, he still went along, staying close to Spock the entire time. He knew that Jim was alright, a bit shaken with a few scrapes and bruises, but pretty alright. But Spock? Cali couldn't get the image of his pure uncontrolled grief out of his mind. He needed him more right now.

Everyone was split up as soon as they arrived at medbay, everyone injured getting their own bed as they were examined and treated. Although Spock was physically alright, just in need of bathing due to the dust that now covered him and his uniform, he still sat on one of the beds away from everyone else, needing to be alone. 

Cali had checked on Jim briefly, but seeing Spock staring at the floor with a black expression by himself, he left his partner's side and approached. He didn't say anything, just stood nearby for a moment until Spock acknowledged him. It was small, a quick broken look that was secretly begging for help before he looked away, but Cali still saw Spock in his eyes. His heart broke and he quickly sat down on the bed next to him, much closer than professional but no one was watching them in that moment.

Cali kept his eyes on him still, as he gently placed a hand on his leg, hoping to try and comfort him. The small act caused Spock to look up again, meeting Cali's eyes for a moment. Though he said nothing, Cali could see everything in the Vulcan's eyes.

He was mourning. Grieving the fresh loss of his beloved mother.

He was angry. Furious at Nero for taking her from him. For taking his home, his planet and his people.

He was screaming for help. Begging for someone to take all these crippling feelings away from him; for any form of comfort.

Cali knew that he was close to tears as he looked into Spock's eyes, his hand tightening on Spock's thigh trying desperately to show the Vulcan that he was there. He would help him, in any way he could.

Spock could feel it, but he couldn't process Cali's love for him in that moment as he turned his eyes back to the floor, needing somehow to just not feel.


Jim sat on the bed in med bay as his hand was bandaged with a healing cream. His other injured would be dealt with soon. His eyes wandered to Spock and Cali. His boyfriend had stayed by the Vulcan's side since he had returned from the now destroyed planet. Though he couldn't read the Vulcan now, even he had seen his shock and grief at the loss of his mother. He didn't care that Cali wasn't at his side, he was needed at Spock's.

Though he went to turn away, Jim's eyes were drawn back over when Spock suddenly stood to leave, leaving Cali still sat where he was, his eyes watching regretfully as the Vulcan walked away. But it wasn't until the Vulcan was out of sight of the door that Cali stood and left, giving Jim a quick look to see if he wanted him to stay as he passed.


Although Cali left the med bay shortly after Spock, he didn't plan on following him. He could tell that the Vulcan wanted to be alone in that moment and respected that as he began wandering the ship. He wasn't needed on the bridge at the moment, his place still being manned by Uhura. He felt for a moment that he should have returned to Jim's side back in med bay, but in that moment, he didn't.

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