1.11 - New Feelings

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It had been a week since Jim had taken the test and was now Thursday again. Cali was currently sat at his desk in the almost empty classroom doing the assignment that had been set earlier that day while Spock sat at his desk planning lessons. Frowning at the question, Cali found himself stuck. 

Spock had set reading for them on this particular topic, which Cali had found quite unusual since he had never done so for a topic before. He assumed it was him trying something new to engage his students like they had spoken about previously, but he didn't think setting reading was the right way about it. It was an interesting topic, though he could understand Spock setting reading about it and not telling the class directly, imagining the reactions of his classmates as they heard the Vulcan explain mating rituals to them.

Cali set his PADD down with a sigh and looked up. "Commander?" he called, gaining Spock's attention who quickly looked up to see the confusion on Cali's face.

"Yes cadet?"

"The reading I did didn't explain question 4, could you clarify?" he asked, slightly embarrassed about having to ask about the Pon Farr, already having known it was literally Vulcan sex ritual practices.

Cali could have sworn that Spock blushed a pale green before he nodded stiffly. "Pon Farr is the biological urge that overcomes Vulcan males once every 7 years. If not satiated, it will mutate into Plak Tow and eventually lead to the death of the male."

Cali frowned with furrowed eyebrows, "Interesting. So, females do not experience it?"

"No, it is a male only infliction." Spock confirmed.

"So that's why men have all the power when it comes to divorce, cause they're the ones it will hurt. I see." Cali spoke aloud, not really directed towards Spock as he began writing down the answer to the question.

Despite this, Spock still answered, "Correct."

After typing quickly for a few more moments, Cali looked up again. "Is it possible for the male to mate with anyone during this time or does it have to be with his mate?"

Spock looked at him for a moment. "That is not a part of the question?" he stated, though his curiosity turned it into more of a question.

Blushing blue, Cali smiled awkwardly, "No, sorry, just my curiosity. If it's so different to my planet, I tend to want to know everything."

Giving a small nod, Spock explained, "It has to be completed with someone who the male is empathically bonded with. This is done between betrothed and mates at the beginning of the relationship in order to have the bond ready for Pon Farr."

"I see, is it possible to have multiple bonds at once?"

"It would not be logical to bond to more than one mate, especially if already betrothed." Spock answered logically. For some reason, the answer upset Cali. Like a small bubble of hope had been burst by the facts. He didn't understand why but decided he'd try and work it out later.

"I see, thank you sir." Cali answered distantly, looking back at his PADD.

Spock noticed the change in attitude immediately and looked at the cadet in confusion, unsure as to what had caused the sudden drop. Thinking back on their conversation, he couldn't think of anything that may have made him upset. Deciding to try and cheer him up, he asked a question to satisfy his own curiosity. "You said that Vulcan culture was very different to your own, I find myself unsure as to what culture you are a part of, would you care to clarify?"

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