1.12 - I Heard A Rumour

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Even after getting permission from Jim to pursue Spock, not much changed in their relationship. Cali was aware that the Vulcan was not as in tune with his emotions as Cali was and thus would not be ready for romance of any kind for a while. Especially not with a species other than Vulcan. So, he didn't push, allowing the Vulcan to open up slowly to him as he already was.

This being said, their last Thursday had been a leap in their relationship.

As usual, Cali had stayed seated as everyone else from the class packed up and left, continuing the work from the lesson in peace.

By now, the class had worked out the pattern, realising that Cali was obviously staying behind with the commander and rumours had begun circulating as to why, especially since it was already known that the 'emotionless' Vulcan actually showed favouritism towards the Polyvore. Most people assumed he had somehow scored extra tutoring in the subject, which wasn't far from the truth, but how he gained it was very varied. 

The nice people in the class managed to guess rather correctly that the commander had noticed that Cali often spent most of the lessons helping the others in the class rather than himself and was giving him extra time outside of the lessons in order to actually focus on his own education. 

Then there were those who believed he'd somehow bribed or blackmailed the commander into getting extra help, which was why he was so good in classes to begin with. 

Then there were the idiots of the class who thought he was exchanging extra help and good grades for sexual favours. He'd heard his species mentioned more then once as explanation for their thinking on that particular theory when he had eavesdropped on the discussions of theories. He'd also heard someone add onto that theory that there was no tutoring occurring, only sex. The group had had a real laugh about that one. For some reason, the image of him getting fucked by their commander was hilarious to them. Cali was sure they wouldn't have been laughing so freely if they knew that he was listening. He wasn't sure if Spock knew of the rumours or not but decided not to mention them.

Either way, when the class had finally left, the two worked silently on their own things for most of their time together. That was until Cali moved on to the last of the day's topics, one that he had found quite difficult, not really understanding the topic of how Vulcan's reacted to mix breeds. Biting his lip for a moment, he finally looked up, his eyes catching with Spock who appeared to have already been looking at him. "Are you having trouble with work Cadet?" he questioned making Cali wonder how long he had been watching him.

"Yeah," he confirmed, "I can't get my head around the subject matter."

Spock paused for a moment before nodding. "What particularly do you find troubling about it?"

Thinking for a moment, Cali shook his head. "Honestly sir, I'm not sure. Perhaps because there's no examples given. It explains well that half-Vulcans are treated differently, but it doesn't explain in what way."

"It was not necessary for the assignment."

"I know. But I can't seem to understand what was given without it."

Looking conflicted for a moment, Spock opened his mouth to speak, sounding slightly emotive in his tone, hints of his apprehension at talking as if he had a personal connection to the topic, "Half-Vulcan's are treated as slightly less than Vulcan. Due to their mixed blood, they are less able to understand the logic behind the culture and have a much harder time controlling their emotions than full-Vulcans. Additionally, there are conditions linked to having mixed blood such as L'tak Terai, similar to Earth's dyslexia."

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