1.7 - Bar Dates End In Bar Fights

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After a conversation with Bones who had asked how Cali was doing since he hadn't seen the man since the first date when he almost caught them, Jim decides to invite Cali to meet his friendship group. Though, Jim did tell him in advance that he wasn't ready to come out as dating a guy yet, so he'd be introducing the man to them as a friend. Cali was really understanding and patient about Jim's struggles with his sexuality and was fine with it, just wanting to meet the people he'd spoken about before.

They entered the little library together and see Bones, Sulu, Uhura and Chekov already sitting at a large table at the edge of the room waiting for them. As he spotted them, Jim called over in greeting and they all turned around and offer their own greetings in return. "Hey guys, this is Cali." He introduced, signalling to Cali as the two joined the table.

"Hi, it's nice to finally meet you all, and to see you again Bones." Cali smiled warmly, looking at them all before landing on Bones.

Bones nodded, replying in his normal gruff voice, "Yeah, nice to see you again Cali."

Chekov quickly offers his hand over the table and gave his own introduction in his heavily accented voice with a large friendly smile on his face, "Hi, I'm Pavel Chekov."

Sulu followed suit, offering his own hand. "I'm Hikaru Sulu."

Uhura smiled across the table sweetly, "Uhura."

Before Cali can say anything, Jim interrupts, "Still won't say your first name in front of me, huh?"

"You're not getting it." She smiles back sarkily.

Laughing, Cali took back over. "Nice to meet you, Uhura, Chekov, Sulu." Cali replied after shaking their hands, his tone as warm as his smile setting all three of them at ease.

They end up all studying together peacefully. Often talking all together while also splitting into their own conversations about the work their were doing while Bones, Sulu and Jim mainly worked on one thing while Cali and Uhura helped Chekov with his mandatory translation work.

Cali and Uhura seemed to get one quite well, both training to be xenolinguists, and bonded over languages.

While Bones had already met Cali briefly, he hadn't really gotten a chance to know him until now. He watched as he happily helped Chekov with the work he struggled with while also joking with Uhura and Jim. He could tell that he would be a good addition to the friendship group and definitely a good friend to Jim. Both Sulu and Chekov agreed with him, enjoying the man's company until they all parted ways, him and Jim walking together.

As they walked away, Jim turned and smiled at Cali, "You seemed to get along with Uhura." 

Cali looked over at him with an amused and knowing look, "Well, I find girls are more likely to get on with someone if they aren't constantly flirting with them."

Suddenly called out and slightly worried about the impression him flirting with Uhura might have given his boyfriend, Jim frowned slightly, "It doesn't mean anything."

"I know love," Cali smiled reassuringly, "I'm guessing you've been fliting with her so long that its become more of a game than actually flirting?"

"Yeah." Jim confirmed, laughing, he'd forgotten how understanding Cali was for a moment.

Smirking, Cali decided to jokingly start moaning at Jim about something else, "Why didn't you tell me Chekov was so young?"

Looking over at him as they continued walking, Jim questioned him, confused. "What do you mean? He's sixteen, I think."

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