1.14 - Dinner Turned Sour

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Cali and Jim were woken up the next morning by Bones entering the room at a fair hour of the morning. Looking them over for a moment, Bones happily noted they were wearing clothes and continued to enter his room, going over to his side to pull out his academy uniform. 

Groggily, Jim leaned up to watch him and then looked at the time. Seeing it was time for him to get up, he stubbornly flopped back down and snuggled back into his boyfriend. Cali laughed lightly at Jim's actions, understanding his want to stay in the warm bed in the other's embrace, but he sat up and went to get out of bed, having noted the time as well. However, his movement was stopped when two strong arms wrapped themselves around his waist and held on tightly, not letting him move.

Sighing in amusement, Cali looked down at his sleepy partner with a brow raised, "Love, we both have classes, I need to get up."

"No." came the mumbled reply making Bones laugh loudly.

Rolling his eyes, Cali accepted that he wasn't going to get to move for a moment and smiled casually as Bones, "Where were you last night?" He knew that Bones often stayed over in Sulu's spare room, who lived not too far from campus with his husband and young daughter, whenever Jim and Cali planned to use the room. But he knew he had no reason to avoid his dorm room last night.

Bones smiled back in amusement at Cali and the lump that was attached to him, "I had a date."

"Congrats, were they nice?" Cali asked instantly with a happy and caring smile. He had been told about the man's divorce that caused him to come to the academy, it having been brought up when he questioned the older man's nickname, so he was especially glad to find out he was finally moving on with his love life.

Bones nodded, mumbling a light "she was", appreciating Cali's tact in comparison to Jim's usual responses, who often made light-heartedly fun of him. At the little reply, Cali smiled again before looking back at his lump, trying to work out how to get out of his embrace. Luckily, Bones saved him from thinking for too long. "Jim, for God's sake, stop acting like a child and let Cali go." He scolded, though in a light tone, shaking his head at his roommate's behaviour.

Groaning in annoyance, Jim finally loosened his arms and flopped onto his back to sulk. The other two shared a look as they shook their heads and rolled their eyes in amusement at his display. Finally free, Cali stood up fully, though leaned down quickly after to kiss Jim, snapping him out of his sulking immediately. "I'm gonna run to my room to change, see you after lessons?" Cali asked as he stood back up. Jim hummed in response as he stretched to try and wake himself up. "Okay, good luck with your assignment, love you."

Cali gave one final smile down at his partner who managed to mumble out a sleepy but meaningful "Love you too," back before Cali turned to Bones.

"Bye Bones,"

"See ya Cal."

With that, Cali left to run home, wanting to shower and change since he'd ended up falling asleep in his uniform from the previous day, too tired the night before to bother changing into one of Jim's spare shorts like he usually did when he stayed round.


By four, Cali was sitting on his sofa, reading a book on his PADD. He'd finished his day of lessons and was waiting for Jim to come round to hang out as they had planned earlier. He had changed from his uniform now, deciding on some black ripped jeans, black semi-formal shoes, a white shirt with the long sleeves rolled up to his elbows and his favourite grey waist jacket over it all. Both the jacket and top couple of buttons on the shirt were unbuttoned making his more formal choice in clothes look a lot more casual and attractive. He'd also decided to do his hair different. Rather than having it down like usual, Cali had the front sides tied into a tail behind his head.

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