2.7 - The USS Enterprise

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As much as he wanted to look around the beautiful new ship that he was stationed on, Cali didn't have time as he was already changed into his new uniform, red shirt like his last but a lot more comfortable, and on his way to the bridge as soon as he stepped foot off the shuttle. Everyone had to report immediately to stations, this was an emergency mission.

As he stepped off the turbolift, Cali spotted a few familiar faces and felt a lot more comfortable as he set himself up at his station, one of the science stations closest to the left turbolift that was facing away from the main viewscreen. 

Sat at the helm and weapons, he recognised Sulu and Chekov respectively and of course, he knew the captain, Pike, who was stood to the side in the doorway to his ready room. After a moment, Spock stepped off of the turbolift, doing a sweep of the bridge before taking his seat on the station next to Cali's.

As Spock entered, Captain Pike spotted him, moving from his standing place and over to his and greeted him, since he was the first officer on this ship, "Mister Spock."

"Captain." Spock acknowledged, "Engineering reports ready for launch."

"Thank you. Ladies and gentlemen, the maiden voyage of our newest flagship deserves more pomp and circumstance than we can afford today." Pike announced to the bridge crew as he walked slowly to his chair, drawing everyone to turn their chairs and selves to look at him as he spoke, "A christening will just have to be our reward for a safe return. Carry on." As he finished, taking his seat in the captain's chair, everyone turned back around, immediately getting on with their work. As Cali turned back in his chair so he was facing away from the captain, he heard him use the communicator in the arm of the chair, "All decks, this is Captain Pike, prepare for immediate departure." As he finished, he turned to Sulu, "Helm, thrusters."

"Moorings retracted, Captain. Dock control reports ready. Thrusters, fired. Separating from Spacedock." As he said that, Cali could feel the ship move slightly. Although all ships had automated gravity and stabilisers ensuring limited interference with the crew while the ship moved, you could always tell if the ground beneath you was turning, at impulse or at warp. "The fleet's cleared Spacedock, Captain. All ships ready for warp."

"Set course for Vulcan." Pike ordered.

"Aye aye, Captain. Course laid in."

"Maximum warp. Punch it."

Cali heard as Sulu pushed the ship into warp, but then frowned when it didn't move. As he turned to see what was wrong, he saw everyone else on the bridge had also turned to look at Sulu.

"Lieutenant, where's Helmsman McKenna?"

"He has lungworm, sir. He couldn't report to his post. I'm Hikaru Sulu."

"And you are a pilot, right?"

"Uh, very much so, sir. I'm, uh, not sure what's wrong." He admitted, looking back to his station to try and work out what he had done wrong. Cali felt bad for Sulu, knowing that this was the first time he had piloted such a large starship.

"Is the parking break on?" Pike asked jokingly, turned to make eye contact with Spock, who had been in charge of assigning posts for his ship.

"Uh, no. I'll figure it out, I'm just, uh..." Sulu laughed awkwardly, feeling the pressure.

"Have you disengaged the external inertial dampener?"

Freezing for a moment, Sulu realise that the Vulcan was right and silently pressed a few buttons, "Ready for warp, sir."

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