1.8 - The Closet Was Too Cramped Anyway

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After the incident, it took a week before Jim was comfortable with Cali going to the bar again. Cali had told him that the man responsible for attacking him had been expelled and banned from campus but that just made Jim angrier. He wanted to punish the man himself for daring to say such things about his boyfriend, let along lay a hand on him. 

Though he didn't say it, Cali was actually appreciative of Jim's protective attitude and thought it was cute. Thus, he agreed to meet him at his dorm and they both go to the bar together rather than meet there like they had before. 

Unfortunately, this had the undesired consequence of gaining Bones' attention, who then asked if he could come along, obviously not realising they were going on a date and not as friends since Jim had still yet to tell him. Not wanting to draw suspicion for Jim, who he knew was not ready to tell his friends that they were together, and also kinda wanting to get to know his partner's best friend, Cali smiled kindly and allowed him to join.

That's how they ended up all sitting round a table at the bar with drinks, already significantly drunk.

Unfortunately, Jim's drunk brain was making him either forget or simply not care about the fact that Bones didn't know that he was with Cali. With every drink, he was getting more flirtations with his boyfriend, getting closer to him physically and getting more touchy-feely with him. 

Cali, though also very drunk, was sober enough to know that Jim was gonna give himself away if he wasn't careful and was trying to control his partner. But was rather unsuccessful. 

Meanwhile, Bones had begun to get suspicious early when he noted that Jim had yet to abandon the two of them to go and flirt with some random girl at the bar. This, on top of the fact Jim was acting like he wanted to get into Cali's pants, was making Bones highly suspect that the two were hiding something quite specific from him.

Luckily, after an hour of hanging out, a girl approached Jim while he was at the bar getting refills and the two started flirting. When the bartender gave him the drinks, he quickly picked them up and brought them to the table, leaning down so that his lips were at Cali's ear and completely hidden from Bones. He whispered to Cali, asking him for permission before he returned to the woman making Cali smile and nod as subtly as he could so Bones wouldn't get even more suspicious. Jim stood back up straight, a satisfied smirk on his lips before mock saluting the two and making his way back over to the woman with his drink. Both Cali and Bones laughed at his display, shaking their heads.

"Don't worry, you'll get used to Jim abandoning you for one-nightstands soon enough." Bones joked, taking a gulp of his new drink.

Cali happily took the excuse and played along. "It's fine, I've had friends in the past that were the same." Bones watched Cali carefully, but it didn't look like Jim's absence affected him at all. He was still extremely suspicious but let Cali play it off since he could tell he was not gonna say anything as the two decide to finish their drinks and then head out.


During that next week, Bones kept an eye on Jim and Cali. Specifically, around how they acted together. After noticing how close they were that night when they were drunk at the bar, Bones was very suspicious that there was more to their relationship than the two were letting on and wanted to investigate. He noticed how open they were with each other, able to talk to the other about literally anything, and how physically comfortable they were, always touching when they thought no one was looking. Deciding he'd seen enough; he finally breeched the topic with Jim when they were alone in their dorm.

"How's Cali doing?" he asked, looking up from his desk and over at Jim who had been laying on his bed daydreaming.

"He's good, he's in Klingon Studies at the moment, I think. Not his favourite class but not his least favourite." Jim answered casually, opening his eyes to think before closing them again.

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