1.5 - The Talk

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A week passed and the two were still close, having met up several times to hang out and get to know each other more. Having one other date that ended the same as the last. Though they had both decided that they liked the other, they had yet to actually define their relationship or even admit to the other of their feelings.

Cali was surprised how much he liked Jim, not having felt so strongly for his last partner, and was anxious about bringing up his usual explanation of having an open relationship. Normally, he got it over with pretty quickly, deciding that it was better to tell them at first so they knew and could be scared off before he got too attached to them. But with Jim, he'd fallen too fast and now didn't want to bring up the subject in case it really did scare him off or made him feel uncomfortable with the thought of sharing him, knowing that humans were an especially jealous species when it came to those they liked. 

A little logical voice in the back of his mind told him that he shouldn't worry so much since he knew that Jim preferred having lots of one-night-stands than relationships anyway so an idea of an open relationship would probably be good for him, but the voice was too quiet in comparison to his apprehension and thus he didn't bring it up.

Jim felt rather similarly, though his anxieties were due to how new relationships were for him. Cause yeah, he was a playboy. He'd never really had a girlfriend before, and he'd definitely never had a boyfriend before, and thus didn't really know what to do with one. He'd always let the girl bring up the emotions if they ever even got that serious, but he wasn't sure if Cali would. Especially since he hadn't yet. He surprised himself with how much he wanted things to work out with Cali but had no idea how to tell him how badly he had fallen. He never thought of himself as the chick flick moment sort of guy.

The two just decided they'd enjoy the other's company and delay the talk as long as possible until it had to be brought up. Content to just continue on with their flirting and making out.

That was until they were on a date later that week.


Sitting at a table in the corner of the bar they frequented on campus, Jim and Cali were enjoying each other's company and flirting when an attractive woman came over and invited herself to their table. She'd had her eyes on Jim since he had entered and had finally had enough liquid courage to approach him and his friend to flirt. 

Jim was shocked at first, not sure what to do as he was flirted with. He looked over the girl and couldn't deny that she was attractive. He would have probably approached her on any other night, but he'd stopped his playboy ways since finding Cali. He awkwardly answered back to her flirts, obviously wanting to do more but also wanting her to leave him in Cali's presence. 

Cali could see the conflict and made him slightly amused. He was a bit too drunk to really remember that he hadn't told Jim about him being polyamorous and just laughed at his misery. After a while of the girl not getting the hint, Jim began actually flirting back though still not as strongly as he normally would cause of his inner conflict.

Cali could tell that Jim wanted to go with the girl, who was trying to not so subtly invite him to her place and finished his bottle to make his way out. Leaning over the table so that his lips were barely an inch from Jim's ear, "Go for it, I'm gonna head home." Jim's smirk quickly faded as Cali pulled back and started getting up. Looking at him with a conflicted and confused frown, Jim asked if he was sure but Cali just shook it off, giving him his usual warm smile, that still had a hint of amusement, to calm him and nodded. "We'll talk tomorrow." Cali said as his parting words and he left Jim to continue flirting with the girl.

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