2.12 - Montgomery Scott

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As Cali continued working at his station, his back faced to the rest of the bridge, he could hear Sulu and Chekov call back to their Captain. Just as Spock thanked the two men, Bones came off of the turbolift and walked over to the Vulcan. "You wanted to see me?"

At his voice, Spock turned his head to look up at the doctor. "Yes, Doctor." Spock replied, standing up to talk to him. As he did, he turned to look at the Polyvore at his workstation and called to him, "Cadet Caliaire?"

Cali quickly stopped what he was doing and swivelled round in his chair so that he could face the two men, "Yes Captain?"

Spock motioned for Cali to join the two of them as they began walking round the back of the bridge, so Cali quickly got up from his seat and followed, walking next to Bones behind the Vulcan. As Cali did, Spock spoke to the two of them. "I am aware that James Kirk is a friend of yours. I recognize that supporting me as you did must have been difficult."

"Is that a thank you?" Bones questioned in annoyed disbelief, sharing a look with Cali next to him as they followed their captain.

"I am simply acknowledging your difficulties." Spock corrected, "And I wanted to apologise for speaking out of turn to you Cadet."

"You don't need to apologise, I understand Captain." Cali replied, his tone rather hollow in contrast to his soft smile once again placed on his lips.

"Permission to speak freely, sir?" Bones asked.

"I welcome it." Spock replied, coming to a stop at the corner of the bridge where no one was working and turning to face the two he had following him.

"Do you? Okay, then." Bones paused for a moment before he lowered his voice to a whisper and his tone turned far less friendly. "Are you out of your Vulcan mind?"

"Bones!" Cali scolded quietly, looking at his friend in slight disbelief. He knew Spock told him he could speak freely, but that still wasn't something to say to your captain, especially not on the public bridge.

Bones ignored Cali as if he hadn't heard him and continued on, "Are you making the logical choice sending Kirk away? Probably. But the right one? You know, back home we got a saying. 'If you're gonna ride in the Kentucky Derby, you don't leave your prize stallion in the stable'."

"A curious metaphor, Doctor," Spock replied, his head tilted slightly in thought, "as a stallion must first be broken before it can reach its potential."

"My god, man. You could at least act like it was a hard decision. That's his boyfriend you shot off to a potentially dangerous planet."

"Bones..." Cali whispered, placing a hand on Bones' shoulder to try and calm him down. He appreciated him looking out for him but didn't think it was really his place to bring Jim and his relationship into it.

"I am aware Doctor. However, the cadet is also aware of the reasoning behind it." Spock replied, looking briefly from the doctor to the cadet to see Cali looking into his eyes with a resigned expression and a comforting smile. "I intend to assist in the effort to re-establish communication with Starfleet. However, if crew morale was better served by my roaming the halls weeping, I will gladly defer to your medical expertise. Excuse me."

Bones and Cali watched as Spock walked past the two of them in the direction of the turbolift, where another Vulcan had just entered the bridge. Once they were out of sight, Bones turned around, mumbling under his breath as he rolled his eyes. "Green-blooded hobgoblin."

Cali heard the insult and quickly gave him a small glare. "Don't be rude Bones."

Bones looked at Cali in disbelief. How could he defend the Vulcan after what he had done? "How can you be so calm right now?" Bones questioned incredulously.

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