Friends and Family Pt 1

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(This was going to be the one shot at the end, but the chance I will completely finish this story is very low, so here it is now.)

[Taken place a few days or weeks after saving Eri and before the Festival. Eri was the white haired girl who's hair resembled Mira's. YN finds their way back to Fairytail]


Class 1A was finally adjusting to life without one of their dearest friends. The classroom felt quieter now, your snarky comments and loud outbursts gone.
But what could they do about it?
You were back with your family, back where you were supposed to be. You belonged in your world, and the time you spent here must have been torturous, having to worry constantly about your own world. The fear, confusion and alienation you must have felt arriving into their world...

When Aizawa and Nezu came to take your table and chair away, majority of the class clung to it's legs, bawling and begging for it to be left alone. Tsuyu and Jiro had their quirks wrapped around the table and chair, Mina and Denki were clinging onto it, in hysterics. Even Mineta had used his quirk to stick the table onto the ground. 

Others, like Momo and Deku stood with their palm on the table before the teachers, hiccuping reasons for the table to stay and rubbing their teary eyes. Shoji stood to the side, comforting a sobbing Koda.

The rest were sitting at their tables, refusing to act on the scene behind them. Iida and Todoroki saw reason behind their teachers actions, YN won't be back to continue their education, or back at all. There was no need for YN's table anymore.  But seeing your table be taken away would hurt them in an indescribable way. They could not imagine simply erasing the evidence of your existence in the classroom and continuing school life as if you were never there. 

Bakugou stayed in his seat the entire time, refusing to even acknowledge the situation.

Soon enough, the teachers gave up and left your table alone. 

"She's not dead you know." Aizawa stated once. "Just in another world."

Some students argued that being in heaven an in another world were basically the same concept.

"In the hero world, colleagues may suddenly end up missing or dead. This is the life of a pro hero." 

To him personally, knowing a friend was safe in another world was better than knowing them dead.
But Aizawa would agree this situation was upsetting.

"If it makes you lot feel better, they're back at home."

People would think to themselves, No! YN's at home with us! This was YN's home!
But this wasn't  YN's home. They were at home with YN.

Bakugou, the one who should be the one missing you the most, seemed to be indifferent. Aside from training harder and fighting more violently, he didn't seem to care.

Surprisingly, Bakugou adapted to you being gone quickly. Sure, he did miss your annoying voice and antics at times, but he was fine with the fact that you were back where you belonged. He was the one that was around you the most, spent time with you the most and understood you the most due to the prolonged time you spent living at his house. 

He knew you were alright. Alright and happy. Spending time catching up with your real  family. Bakugou was fine with that. He was. He could cope. He could. Really. 
It was a few days after rescuing the girl with wavy white hair named Eri when you... when you went back to your home.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2021 ⏰

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