Bakugou vs Ochako

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Sitting down, you could hear fragments of the two opponents conversation if you tried to block out Mic's screaming. Bakugou was saying something about Urara- I mean- Ochako not getting away with only an "ouch." 

How rude.

You grinned, knowing that both of them wouldn't hold back.


Ochako took off running, fingers at the ready. "Withdrawing isn't an option!" Bakugou raised his palm slightly, preparing a counter-attack, which Midoriya guessed. 

"Then die."


Here! If I dodge this right hook! 

You could nearly hear Ochako think. Leaning forward, you stared down at the two. You could see their eyes, how both were filled with utmost determination-!


Eyes widened, and gasps were heard throughout the audience. Iida and Midoriya leaned forwards, trying to get a grasp of what was happening. 


Your eyes darted around, scanning through the smoke. You could see Ochako leaping forwards again before Bakugou pinned her down with another big explosion- but that wasn't her. 

It was her jacket. 

The girl leapt out from behind, arm outstretched, and you smiled. If she could get him now, then it could even things out a little-

A split second. 

You blinked, and by then, Bakugou had already launched another attack at Uraraka, sending her tumbling. 

What a reaction speed!

But then you looked up.

Bakugou didn't realize, and neither did the audience. Jiro covered her eyes with her hands and you patted her back awkwardly.

Attack after attack, attempt after attempt, the two kept on moving back and forth-

"HEY! How can you say you wanna a hero like that!?" Someone in the hero stands stood up. "If you there's such a big difference in your abilities, then hurry up and send her out of bounds!"

Several people agreed, booing on Bakugou. 

You stood up, clenching your fist. "OI!" Your voice rung out, gaining peoples attention. 

"You lot CLEARLY don't even understand what you're even spewing out of your mouth! He recognizes her as a threat, and that's why he's not taking any chances! And don't give up on Uraraka so easily!" You yelled. 

Aizawa's voice rung out through the mic.  "Was that a pro saying he was playing around?" 

The crowd stopped staring at you, and looked down at the match again, in silence. Occasional booms were heard.

"How long have you been a pro?" Your homeroom teacher pressed.

"Huh?" you heard Mic question Aizawa softly.

"If you're saying that with a straight face, there's no point of you watching anymore. You should go home." 

"Go home and looked into changing careers!"  Bakugou stood still in the smoke, staring at Ochacko. 

"He is using his all to win. Bakugou has acknowledged the strength of his opponent, and is therefore being careful! It's because he is using his all to win that he can't go easy on her, or let his guard down. If even one of my students can see this, what's your job as a pro?"

Your eyes trail to Ochako, and see her facial features become more prominent, as she wiped some sweat rolling down her face. 

"It's about time, I think. Thanks, Bakugou." She whispers softly, out of breath.

You could hear Monoma explaining from the other side of the wall.

Uraraka let out a battle cry, releasing her quirk. Slabs of concrete fell, the audience staring open mouthed. You chuckled at the debis, if the slabs were bigger your guild would have a field day jumping on them.

The ground shook as Mic exclaimed, "A meteor shower?!" and Midoriya commented in disbelief. 

Ochako ran up to Bakugou who was looking up still. 

You could see the determination in her eyes, and it reminded you of home. Never giving up, no matter the circumstances. But when you saw Bakugou lift up is hands, you bowed your head silently. The audience was cheering for the girl, clearly not knowing what was going to happen next. 

I wonder... if Ochako could learn something from Risley or Karuga? Did her quirk allow gravity changes?

Your eyes widen as Ochako fell to the ground however, saying that her body won't move how she wanted it to, before you remembered that people in this world ran on regular energy, and that was not based on how much magic you got left.

Wait- shit. You were supposed to be at the waiting rooms as your match was next.

Before you turned to leave, Midoriya caught your shoulder. 

"LN...Please make Shoto use his fire quirk in your match. He shouldn't be held down because of his-" The green haired boy caught himself before he spilled Todoroki's family secrets. 

You narrowed your eyes at the distance, finally making the connection between one of your guild mates and Todoroki. Looking back at Midoriya, you nodded. 

"Don't worry, I was planning on it anyways."  

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