Anata wa meinu

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It was a few weeks after the exam, and Bakugou and YN were on a full out sibling war again. It started when Bakugou 'accidentally' threw a cup at YN's head, and YN threw one back, reminiscing of her family and friends back at her home, Fairy Tail. Bakugou had sensed a mood change and threw another cup at her. YN threw another back, masking her longing of her friends with an angered expression.

This was the closest to a bar fight she could get.

Oh well. YN smirked, swiping Bakugou's homework book and slapped him on the head with it, so hard he looked like he was sneezing. Eyes shut, face scrunched up. Bakugou got revenge, and soon they were simply smacking each other on the head.

'Oi, there's your results for the exam! Good luck, brats.' Mitsuki placed two white envelopes on the little desk in front of the couch.

Brats... that's what Yudaina and Gramps called you.

'-you old hag! jibber jabber blah blah blah-'

'-be grateful, you brat-'

'thanks, mom.'

Both blondes looked at you, shocked.
'Uhh Uhh I-'
'Awww hell naaaaa, if she was your mother, I'd be your brother!'
Bicker bicker bicker bicker yelling punching kicking bickering bicker bicker bicker
'You know your UA results are sitting directly in front of you right?' Mitsuki pointed out.
Silence filled the room.
Both of you grabbed your envelopes and fought your way into your room. Bakugou sat on his study desk while you sat on the bunk, somehow a double bed.
Ripping open the paper, Bakugou gaped as All Might appeared. You looked over, deciding to listen to his first.
'Young Bakugou, as the symbol of peace, I am proudly gonna teach at UA, and I am pleased to let you know that you passed the tests with flying colours, claiming first place in both exams. You got 75 villain points- wait is that young LN, over there?'
All Might pointed at you.
'Hi! Uh-' you leaped over.
'Are you two dating?'
'WTF!?' Both you and Bakugou yelled.
'As if I'm gonna date this loser!' You yelled.
'That bitch is too annoying for humanity!'
Soon you and Bakugou where at it again, throwing fists, kicks, and anything that could be used as a weapon.
All Might kept smiling, awkwardly now, and continued. 
'Hey now! No need to fight. Sorry for assuming things!'
Both of you looked at him and slowly put down all the weapons you where holding.
'I AM HERE, to let young Bakugou know he passed the UA test, in first place! Now I will be going to your sister's results!'
You ripped open the half opened envelope, and All Might appeared again.
'I AM HERE! To tell you you passed the UA exam with flying colours, just like your brother. Uh wait...'
In the room YN was in, it was a full out war.
'NEVER!' You yelled out a battle cry as you charged.
Bakugou readied his exploding palms and a random stick he found lying around.
Fists flew, again.
You know, this reminds me of Natsu and Gray's daily fights... stop. Maybe I shouldn't remind you. After all, you still miss the greatly.
'Hey now! Young LN fought the robots well, gaining her self second place, although 30 of her points were given to her as rescue points- although your EXPLOSIONN managed to throw some people off, you still went to save them. Destroying the robot would have gained you 60 points, but you managed to hurt some people. Your written exam however, passed our standards by-'
'A bare minimum.' Bakugou said.
You nodded, agreeing for once.
Turning back to All Mighty, the number one hero nodded to someone off-screen. He then said a rushed goodbye and left.

Both of you sat in silence.
The ash blonde glared at you.
'Anta wa meinu. I was supposed to get in, and be the only o e who did from this shitty town.'
You raised an eyebrow, grinning maniacally. 'Too bad, brother~'
Let's just say, more fists were thrown.
Oh gosh, where do you get so much fists from? Borrowing Shiggy's?

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