Forced Vessel

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When YN awoke, Yudaina was waiting for her. Another one of those intricate magic circles were on the floor. YN also noted that they had moved to a rock plain, the flat surface stretched empty, with only a few boulders, for who knows how long.
As YN clambered up, Yudaina plucked seven purple scales from her back. There on the floor, next to the circle, was a pile of scales. Dragon scales. One of every colour, except for the purple, which there was seven of.
The magic circle next to the pile was very, very big. There was no doubt that the spell was carved into the rock by the dragons' massive claws.
'Mom... what's that?' YN asked as a magic circle appeared on Yudaina's claw. Glowing purple liquid flowed into the dented floor, the claw marks acting as a mold. Yudaina looked up, and looked away. No parent would want to put there child through this pain, but she might leave in the future, leaving the girl defenceless. Finally, the dragon spoke.
'This will give you a magic vessel. But-' looking away, Yudaina continued. ' It will feel similar to growing a Second Origin.'
YN winced, she's heard stories of how painful gaining a Second Origin was. Yudaina looked at the girl, shocked. YN's worried expression was replaced by a look of determination, not a single sign of uneasiness showing. Heh, I guess my little brat's growing up. Yudaina looked into the distance. Maybe she'll go there. Yeah. She probably will.
Once everything was set, Yudaina put her giant paw in the middle of the magic circle. The massive dragon concentrated, releasing her magic aura. Shades of purple radiated off the beast, and a large gust of wind seemingly appearing from nowhere lifted small pebbles off the ground. YN's hair blew crazily around her head, as small wisps of colour started to float off Yudaina. Boulders started cracking.

With one final boom, all the boulders in sight crushed into dust. This was the height of Yudaina's powers. Small cracks appeared on the ground, bits of the floor shifted down and up, leaving the once flat ground rocky and uneven, with only the magic circle intact. Yudaina placed YN in the centre of the circle.

'I'll be back once it's done.'
Before YN could say a word, her dragon mother took off, into the distance. The dragon seemed to be in a hurry, YN thought-



Your POV

Pain. So much pain. Everywhere. Pain everywhere. Indescribable pain. I felt my eyes tearing up, it hurts. So much.


Gritting my teeth, I held back my tears.


This is my chance. I can be like everyone else in this world. I can be special in my world. Magic, the thing every child ever wished for. Magic, the impossible, just a childish dream.


I should be grateful.


Although I'm adopted, I still am Yudiana's child. I carry the pride of the majestic dragon. Yudiana the dragon of mystery, the dragon that could consume all and attack with anything. Maybe mother controlled atoms. I'll tell her when she comes back. Yudiana the atomic dragon. Ha. Sounds nice. Yudiana, my mother.

Gripping the small pebbles that somehow found their way into my hand, I opened my mouth to let out not a scream of pain,

but the determined roar of a dragon.


Yudiana's POV

After flying awhile, I landed in a forest. He was here. I let out a roar, hoping he'll recognise it. A deeper roar responded mine, and a deep red dragon landed next to me.

'Igneel.' I bowed to the King of fire dragons. 'It's nice to see you again.' The said dragon chuckled, and bowed to me. 'Yudiana. Nice to see you after such a long time too.'

'Why are you bowing?' I asked. 'I only bowed since you are the king of fire dragons, ad I'm no royalty.'

Igneel chuckled, and rumbled, 'Well, aren't you the Queen of mystery? Your element is still a mystery to us all- and your name literally means majestic.'

A small pink haired brat popped up from under his wing. 'Oh? So this is your brat, eh? Gotta meet mine one day, they'll get along.'

Igneel snorted. 'Maybe your child will teach mine some manners!' His voice lowered, more serious. 'You might have not been informed, but we're teaching the children dragon magic.'

My eyes widened. Dragon magic? With this power, humans could perhaps even slay a dragon. What were they thinking?

Igneel continued. 'We might have to use the forbidden forced vessel spell on your child- the situation is quite serious-

'Wait.' I interrupted him. 'The spell was forbidden?!'

Igneel deadpanned. 'You... used it already? Never mind. We need seven dragon slayers. We already have five, and two in the future will appear with the help of dragon lacrimas. Although the spell only works with seven slayers, we need more. You're child can help out here, since she isn't, you know, originally from this world.'

Igneel explained more to me. The dragon of chaos had gone insane for power.


When Yudiana when back, she was fully prepared to teach her child the ways of a dragon slayer.


Hey, Slayer here, I just wanted to let you know that the drama starts on at the end of the next chapter.
Slayer out~

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