Eat my dust, Bakugou

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Everyone stared. 

'What?' You shrugged. Aizawa squinted at you and said in his ever-so-bored voice,

'Sit down, YN.' You sat down. 

'My name is Aizawa and I will be your homeroom teacher this year. Now put this on and get going.' He said, holding up what you assumed to be a PE uniform.

Ochako frowned. 'But won't we miss the orientation, Aizawa-sensei?'

'Hero's don't have time to go to these ceremonies. Now get going.'

YN smiled, that's wrong. Fairy Tail managed to party like, a billion times in the past few months, for some small reason. The new shipment of alcohol came in a few months ago, and they celebrated that. Then after everyone woke from their hangover nap, someone drunkenly yelled out, 'PARTY!!' and they partied all over again. What about the time they went to the king's palace after the GMGs? That was a party alright. Natsu stole the king's crown, (he still has it, the king had to use another one) and they had a bar brawl in the palace

Aizawa would throw a fit. 


Listening to Mr Goggles again, he was saying,

'-akagou,  you managed to get the highest score in the entrance exam, what's your best softball throw in primary school?'

Bakugou scratched his head and growled out, '67 meters or so, I think.' 

'Try it this time with your quirk. You're allowed to do anything, as long as you stay in the circle.' Aizawa handed him the ball. 

Bakugou looked at it. He was probably thinking that the ball was misjudging him or something, because he roared out a 'DIIIEEEE!!!!' 

Aizawa-sensei held up a device that said, 705 metres.

The crowd gasped. Awing at the blonde's strength. Ppft, Erza could beat that with her strength alone. 

You shivered, realising that you had defied her orders of holding onto her hand, when you went through the portal. Uh oh. heh. heh. heh. 

'That looks like fun! I wanna try it!' Mina shouted, holding onto your shoulders. 

'Yeah! Using our quirks with no limits! Nice!' Another boy popped up behind you. You think his name is Sero?  

Aizawa looked over at them, and grinned. Well, tried to at least. 'You think being a hero is all fun and games? Think again. You have three years to get up into the big shots. Today you will be doing a few physical tests, and last place will be expelled.'

The class went quiet, muttering about fairness and whatnot. You grinned. 'So you mean we're supposed to have fun and the thrill of danger? That's really down to earth! It's not thrilling unless you have something to lose, eh?' 

The class looked at you. Aizawa sighed. 'Just get on with it.' 

He sounded completely done with the situation.


You watched as people raced, you were up against Ayaoma.

Launching yourself  with fists covered in air and fire, you created a hot wind to propel yourself forward, you landed a couple seconds before him. 


Grip test. Ha. Popping a nail in your mouth, your arm turned into metal, you squeezed the machine. 299.87 ticked slowly to 299.98, and a bead of sweat rolled down your face. Come on...


come on...


Yes! You let go of the handle, turning you hand back to normal.


Long jump. People jumped, propelled, flew. You scratched your head, unsure of what you were going to do. Fuck it. You launched again with air and fire, landing on the other side of the pit. 

Wobbling, you fell face first backwards, gaining a mouthful of sand. You swallowed it, picking yourself up and grimaced at the gritty grains. Oh well. You could turn into sand now.


Side steps. Glancing at Mineta, you charged yourself with some leftover electricity you drank last night, and bbbbbbzzzzt. You got a lot of points, but you didn't bother looking. eh. meh. All you wanted was food at this point. 


Ball throw. Ok, fine. This was exciting enough for you to forget bout food for a sec. After glomping Uraraka for her infinity, you stepped into to chalk circle, a dangerous glint in your eye. You started gulping down air, a small tornado appeared, but you were literally sucking it in. There was a few raised eyebrows, but they turned into wide eyes when you yelled out 'Enchantment! lle Arms! Sky dragon: Marvell's whirlwind!' 

A violent wind whipped everyone's hair around and another tornado ripped into the air, launching the ball really far. Aizawa moved his hair out of his eyes and you scratched your head. 

'Hahaha. Aw, man. It's just 1027.77 metres?' You said. Sorry for stealing part of your spell Wendy. I improvised and named it after you!



Looking up, you smiled half heartedly. 

'Oh, its just one of the weaker named moves. My - younger sister has way more powerful ones, uh that she taught me, but uh, it's mainly used for attacks. Uh, I, uh, named it after her.'

Bakugou was storming up to Midoriya, something about not telling him he had a quirk or whatnot. 

Retrieving Bakugou from Aizawa sensei's scarf, you sensed he was fuming, so in order to make him forget about it, you bonked him on the head. 

Scrabbling and fighting each other, you held a competitive rivalry for the rest of the tests. 

Brawling your way to the cafeteria, your new friends laughed as you and  your 'brother' screamed at each other, leaving Aizawa to walk past All Might who was hiding around the corner. 

There were a few things on his mind, one of them being,

'YN LN said she named it after her sister. Didn't she say she had amnesia?'

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