Not enough ice~

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Walking to the training ground, you eyed other people's outfits. Your's was simpler than most, but it had many tricks up its sleeve. Deku looked like a rabbit, Naval laser dude had a cool cape, Kirishima was wearing cogs, Mina looked like she was about to go to a bar. All Might praised your class, and Iida raised his hand. He asked if we were fighting robots again, and All Might replies with a reasonable no.
'The most cunning villains hide in the shadows! Today, we will be having 2vs2 mock battles!'
Murmuring, the class started asking questions.
'Hey now! In this situation, the villain's have hidden a nuclear weapon somewhere in the building. You can either win by capturing the opponent, or for the heroes, an alternate would be touching the weapon to secure it!'
... that's what all wizards do on a daily basis...
'We will be drawing your partners from this box-'
Iida raised his hand. 'They are being chosen so haphazardly?!'
Uh duh,
'Well, people have to work together and cooperate in situations like this, cause the main goal is to keep everyone safe with no casualties, right?' You piped up, your mind remembering all the times you were stuck with the trimens. That was... annoying to say the least.
'That sounds like you're speaking from experience YN-chan, ribbit.' Tsu whispered. You smiled wearily at her.
'Yes! Young LN is correct! Now let me draw the lots...'
You were paired up with Tokogami, the bird fella.
'Tell me a bit about your quirk.' You urged him. He raised his eyebrow, questioning you.
'Any weaknesses, strengths.. stuff like that.' You continued. Pulling out a table leg from earlier, you munched on it.
Tokogami looked at you with amusement before replying, 'My quirk, Dark shadow is...'
Soon, it was your turn. As the hero's, you had to secure the explosive or catch the villain. You planned to do what Todoroki had done, ice the whole thing.
Both of you stood outside the building, staring at your palm that was on the building.
'Is she trying to do what Todoroki did?'
'Now that I think of it, what is her quirk?'
Magnificent glassy ice was creeping up the building, the sound of ice crackling in the air. But as soon as the ice reached the third floor, it stopped. 'Huh? Why did you stop, LN, are you alright?' Tokogami asked. You looked up at him.
'Yeah... I didn't have enough ice this morning.'
'All Might, what's going on?'
Tapping the mic, All Might asked,
'Young LN, is everything alright?'
The reply came back,
'Yeah, I ran out of ice this morning.'
All Might repleted that to his students.
'Wait... ice?'
Tokogami followed you into the building. He was at a disadvantage, all the windows were open, his dark shadow won't be at its best.
Suddenly his collar was pulled, and he muffled a surprised bird sound. You whispered in his ear, 'there is someone on the third floor, try to avoid him. The nuclear weapon is on the fifth floor the room on the right. If you run into anyone freeze and blend in. I'll make it dark and easier to hide.'
You ushered him off, you could take on Sero and Kiri no problem, but you had wasted some energy on the ice. So you felt sleepy. Falling on your knees, you place both palms on the ground, and closed your eyes. Luckily, you had learnt a powerful spell from Jellal... but it would use up most of your energy. Oh well.
'What is the damned shitty brain doing?!' Bakugou 'asked' All Might. Truth is, he was slightly worried, both of you shared a Gray and Natsu relationship.
'She's doing something.' Todoroki piped up before returning to his silent state again.
Inputting some of your magic into the ground, a magic circle the size of the room you were in spread across the floor, glowing a dark navy blue.
'𝕸𝖔𝖔𝖓 𝖉𝖗𝖆𝖌𝖔𝖓: 𝖎𝖑𝖑𝖚𝖘𝖎𝖔𝖓'
Gasps rung across the the observation room. There was now still unmoving replicas of both YN and Tokogami, filled across every room and level of the building.
Kirishima attacked a replica. It flickered as his arm went through it. Tokagami looked at the replicas from a level underneath Kirishima, understanding what you meant by blend in.
The circle underneath you slowly spun anticockwise, the intricate patterns throbbing to the beat of your heart. Now for the hard bit.
Combine Heavenly body magic with moon dragon slaying.
The ground rumbled, and the buildings trembled as you slowly forced more magic energy into the ground.

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