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Shit. YN didn't know where she was now. After the encounter with the villain and the usage of water-body (a spell YN hasn't mastered yet) YN felt drained and tired. She couldn't think properly.




Was that angry blond hedgehog talking to you?

The stomping boy grew angrier.


Whoops, did I say that out loud? YN thought. Maybe-

'KACCHAN WAIT!!!' A green haired boy ran up to exploding boy.

'kacchan' turned around and pushed the broccoli away, explosions coming out of his palms.

'DON'T TALK TO ME YOU NERD' Kacchan growled. 'I'M GONNA GO TRAIN FOR THE UA ENTRANCE EXAM-' the boy stopped half way. 'not that I need to... NOW SCRAM YOU NERD!!'

The broccoli boy ran off. Huh, I need to stop making nicknames for people I don't know .What's even going on? My dragon slayer brain isn't processing everything . YN thought. Kacchan turned around again. YN stared at him, unthreatened of the glare he was giving her.

'Move.' He ordered.

'Wait. You said you'll be going training, right? Do you know any training grounds around here?' YN asked as she stepped aside. Ok that was completely random. But the boy stiffened, and seemed to think about it.

'Why do you need it? Are you training for the UA exam too? If you are, I'm gonna obviously destroy you as well as all those shitty extras!' The boy stopped walking and gave YN a villainous smirk.

Ok. If there was one thing all Fairy Tail members shared in common, it was taking the word destroy really, REALLY seriously. YN's eye twitched. Then her hand, and then her head. The boy stared- well glared- curiously.

The corner YN's mouth twitched. Her smile turned into a smirk that could rival his, YN snickered. 'Are you sure about that?'


YN and Bakugou walked to the train station. Bakugou constantly ordered YN to walk behind him but YN insisted staying. And the truth was, Bakugou felt that the girl's presence was strange, as if not human or at least not from this world. Now Bakugou knew that what he was thinking was silly, but YN was just different.

YN, on the other hand, felt happy to finally have a friend. Well, not really a friend, but yeah. YN was also pretty sure that Bakugou was only keeping her around because one, he simply couldn't shoo her away, and two, he couldn't deal with her 'nagging bullshit' (thats what he said) anymore.

Once they where on the train, YN leaned forward and covered her mouth, as her face turned green.


Bakugou looked at her, amused that the nonstop threats he gave her didn't shut her up but a train did.

'Are you sure you can beat me? You're only tagging along because of your bold claim extra.'

YN weakly nodded. 'I can handle being blown through a few walls- uugghh- but I - *le gasp* - can't handle moving vehicles. Could y-you perhaps knock me out?'

Bakugou raised his fist, but the mechanical voice of the train interrupted him.

Grabbing YN's collar, Bakugou dragged the dizzy girl out of the train and all the way to the half burnt out forest clearing.

Dropping her to the floor, he kicked her. 'So, extra. What's your quirk and are you applied for the UA exam?'

'What's the UA exam?'

Bakugou's POV



Hey! Uh Bakugou is unusually calm and helpful this chapter do you know why?

Well, only yesterday was the slime attack, and he's still a little pissed at Midoryia. He's tired of hearing people whispering that he's the VICTIM of an attack, and exploding everyones faces can get tiring. Don't worry, next chap he's gonna be back to normal.

Slayer out.

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