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"You could just be supportive, that's all I'm asking for y/n!"

"I am supportive, I love the song! I'm just scared you'll turn into something you're not!"

"I'm already the worst version of me, don't you worry darling."

I roll my eyes at him.

"You're always turning it into a joke."

"If you're used to it, why does it still make you angry?"

I want to reply, when there is a brutal knock on the door.

"Muovi il culo!"

Damiano looks down at his display.

"Shit, the final rehearsal." my best friend says, standing up and rushing towards the door.

I grab my phone, mask and hotel keys and follow. Downstairs, Claudio is waiting, Damiano already gone to the building just a street further away.

"Sorry, we were arguing and lost track of time."


"Not important." I wave it off.

Out of the hotel, I smoke a cigarette during the two minute walk. Lately Dami and I have been arguing a lot. He was always the closest friend out of the band for me but recently we both acted different.

I want to step into the arena but Claudio holds me back.

"Today is an important day for all of us y/n, don't distract the band, we need them at their best."

Without waiting for a reply he walks inside and we head backstage. I walk towards the band which is focused on Tix' performance. I see that Victoria's hair looks messy, so I go up to her.

"Thanks hon" she said jokingly as I redo her hair.

"You feelin' alright?" I reassure myself.

She nods nervously. I hug her telling her she'll rock it. I blow kisses towards Thomas and Ethan who smile in response.

Damiano comes around the corner now in costume and with make up.

"Looking good." I say in my usual tone.

We keep our arguments from the band.

"I know." he playfully raises his eyebrows.

He leans casually against me with both his hands on my shoulders and his chin resting on top of my head. I tell the 4 again what they have to do before they have to go on stage after the song of the Netherlands has finished.

During the rehearsal Damiano gazes at me especially when he sings the more aggressive parts. I let out a sigh and flip him off at some point. A corner of his mouth twitches  as I do so.

Afterwards it is pretty stressful and after running around for a while, we eventually sit down in our seats for the show.

I sit on Damiano's right, he is just uploading something on Instagram.


"Y/n?" he doesn't look up from his phone.

Instead I grab it and lay it on the table in front of us. I take his face in my hands, so he looks me in the eyes.

"I'm sorry. Forget the bullshit I said. I'm just a scared bitch wanting her friend to stay the way he is."

"Change is something we can't avoid but believe me, you'll always mean more than any success."

Our foreheads rest against each other. He has both his hands in my hair, twirling it around his fingers and his eyes are closed. He is nervous. I lean forward and give him a kiss on the cheek.

"You're gonna be amazing."

"Only if you don't flip me off." he smirks.

We get interrupted by the rest of the band sitting down.

"Enough of the pep talk, they're starting in 10 Minutes."


pain, pleasure & eurovision ; Damiano David Where stories live. Discover now