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Damiano freezes, I can feel the muscles in his shoulders tensing.

I took him by surprise, that doesn't happen often. He doesn't reject though. Our lips disconnect.

"God, that was stupid." I mumble without eye contact.

My arms slide down his shoulders and chest so I can step back from him. He doesn't let me, the grip around my lower back is still the same.

I look up and meet his eyes, my hands still lying on his chest. He observes my features for a moment, my face burns and I feel ashamed. I must look like a tomato by now.

Just when I think he starts to back off, his face comes even closer. He focuses on my mouth and I look at his smooth lips as well but don't start anything.

His hot breath meets my skin before he closes the gap. His warm lips collide with mine roughly, forcing me to take a step back.

He pulls away before I can react.

"Call it a one night stand?"

"That's what I'm best at." I answer in one quick breath.

Without hesitation he leans in, again. Our lips start moving against one another, it feels like a duel. I force him backwards as his hand slides from the lower back into my sweatpants I put on earlier.

Damiano's fingers brush over my naked backside, making me grin into the kiss. He seems to be satisfied with that and skilfully lifts me. My legs make it's way around his waist in one movement.

He walks us in the direction of his room. I get thrustedagainst a wall on our way. My feet touch the ground again.

I feel his tongue open my mouth and taste a note of wine and cigarettes. We drive one another crazy with our touch. My hands smoothly glide under his Nirvana shirt and fastly lift it.

Our lips have to disconnect for a moment as Damiano pulls the shirt over his head. He throws it somewhere in the corridor.

My hands glide over his collarbone down, across the chest and ribs, to his hips. Our mouths stuck together, he pulls me further into the corridor and closer to his room.

I can hear him kicking a skate board that lies around into the bathroom.

Damiano puts me down on his bed. The actions are not exactly gentle but filled with lust and the aim of dominance. I kick away all his stuff that is spread over his blanket, not very patient anymore.

"You're gonna clean that up." he warns me.

"Later" I answer while pulling him down to me by his waistband.

"Obviously" he mutters.

He supports himself with one leg resting on my right and the other one between my thighs. I use the chance to push him into the mattress and be on top. I pull my shirt over my head, revealing my bare chest because I didn't put on a bra today.

He looks up to me mischievously. My gaze wanders to his lips once again and I lean down.

He replies more soft than before because he is busy opening his belt. I flick away his fingers and open the pants. He grins into the kiss and I feel his teeth biting gently on my lower lip.

I get off of him so he can pull of the pants. I do the same with my own. As soon as he finishes, he throws my sweat pants out of the door that's still open.

I let out a laugh but he cuts me off by pushing me into the mattress once again. His lips peck mine only a short second and then make it's way down my jaw and neck.

I close my eyes enjoying the touch of his warm lips and tongue. I start to arouse as his hand glides over my boob down into my underwear and starts to work, making me long for more.


pain, pleasure & eurovision ; Damiano David Where stories live. Discover now