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"Here! Some guy had a pair of sweat pants, I hope that's alright..."

Vic enters the bathroom and shows me some black joggers. I shrug but then nod my head.


I stand in front of the sink only in my sweat shirt and thong. I open the tap again and rub my trouser with a piece of soap for the third time now.

"That's unnecessary, you should stop. We'll put it in the washing machine at home."

Without saying anything, I wring out my pretty pants and fold them together. When I inhale loudly and then groan, Vic puts a hand on my shoulder.

"You need to calm down, y/n!"

"No shit, Sherlock!" I reply.

She looks at me in the mirror as I lean with my hands against the sink. I turn around towards her, my expression still stiff.

"Is Damiano kicked out?"

"No." she scoffs.

"That old sucker didn't even get a scratch. He was a little dizzy for a moment but he's fine, just very dramatic."

"And Damiano?"

"I don't know, Ethan disappeared with him."

I nod and grab the pants Vic brought me.

"You are so fucked dude!" she exclaims all of a sudden.

"Nah, it's fine. I won't let this ruin the rest of the night."

"No, I mean you're literally fucked."

I see that she stares at my legs and I look down my body. On the inner side of my thighs are light red almost blue stains.

I've only had bruises because of sex a few times before and those were the best nights of my life.

"Like I told you, I did a little workout yesterday." I chuckle, forgetting about what just happened.

"I admire you y/n! You are back at home at immediately in the first night you get some."

I laugh and she joins in.

"Like for real. How the hell and who the hell."

"That, my love, is the master's secret."

I put on the pants and we exit the bathroom. Victoria makes her way to the bar immediately and I simply follow. I don't know how many shots exactly we have but I feel it kicking in already after the second.

We meet Thomas on the dance floor and dance with him. Damiano, Ethan or that old guy are nowhere around but I don't think about it too much. I just want to enjoy the evening.

We move our bodies to the music with no shame and I enjoy the rest of the night very much. I dance with many different people and kiss myself through the crowd, no matter what gender or age.

I'm probably not as straight as I thought but I never liked labels anyway.

When we leave the club at 2.56 am, my feet are dead. Thomas carries me a few meters but I have to walk by myself eventually because he mostly stumbles. Victoria is the one who drank the least.

pain, pleasure & eurovision ; Damiano David Where stories live. Discover now