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The next days in Gothenburg I take care of the outfits -I'm pretty proud of my creation- and chill with the band.

On our ride to Vic's home country, Damiano sleeps, leaning against my shoulder and the others listen to music or sleep as well. Everyone's always done after a show and of course we have a slight hangover.

A look at my phone signalises, I have a few messages from that Max guy from Germany. In my head I let out a groan.

Hey, what's up?

Are you still in Berlin?

We're having a party tonight, if you wanna join. I would be happy to see you again.🥺

I leave him on read, cringe on the inside and lean my head on Damiano's who then adjusts his position. I sniff in his scent before drifting away.


"There he is!" I shout over the train station.

The boy with a base cap on his head looks up from his phone as I walk towards him.

"Y/n!" a bright smile is planted on his face.

"Leo, my boy!"

He opens his arms as I arrive and we hug very tightly.

"Where are the other homies?" he asks, frowning.

"Too famous, the schedule is busy as fuck." I explain.

"Damn! Well, thanks for picking me up."

We start walking, I don't have to help with his luggage because he only has a backpack for the night.

"Feels so good to see you, baby!" he says putting an arm over my shoulder.

"You too. It's been ages." I smile.

During the pandemic he sometimes came over to Damiano and that's when we really got to know each other. The three of us are kind of a squad.

They taught me how to play basketball, as far as that was possible, and we got high together often.

"How was the tour so far?"

"A lot." I sigh.

"They're tired 24/7 but don't worry, they're still the same pain in the ass. We just didn't really get a break, I guess that's celebrity life."

"Luckily I have a little surprise planned."

I look at him confused.

"And what's that?" I ask sceptically.

"I ordered this tattoo artist, he is in Copenhagen too at the moment."

"Wait, what?" I laugh, not believing this.

"He is amazing. You tell him what you wanna have, he designs it in less than a minute and you get inked."

"But the others are busy all day long!"

"Who said that we'll do it, during the day?"

pain, pleasure & eurovision ; Damiano David Where stories live. Discover now