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"Yes Poland." Victoria raises her glass to our first points from Poland.

Our eyes don't leave the chart as it constantly changes between France or Switzerland being at the top. Everytime we get 10 points Damiano energetically slaps my thigh. Why are boys always so brutal in expressing joy?

"Our twelve points go to."

I chew on my lower lip because Italy hasn't received any points from Slovenia yet.


"Yes bitch!" Thomas jumps up from the couch followed by Victoria. Ethan also stands up for a second but doesn't make a sound. Damiano repeatedly slaps his hand on the surface of the table and takes his glass to have a sip. I copy his actions.

We turn back to the screen. The next 30 minutes or so are very long but every time we recieve 10 points or more we get excited. When the Jury votes are all read out, they start interviewing Switzerland and France.

Damiano whispers something in Ethan's ear because Ethan looks kind of astonished. I go around the table and lean down to Ethan.

"The Chance to win is still there Ethan. The televotes can change a lot!"

"And even if we don't win, we shared our music and that's the main point." Victoria chimes in from the couch.

"Yes, that's what we said." he nods, still looking empty.

Damiano pats him on the shoulder reassuringly, then turns back to where Gjon sits and follows the interview. I gaze at him for a few seconds too long.

When I first met Damiano he had long hair and less tattoos. Throughout the year he changed a bit, cut his hair, got more tattoos and surprisingly grew up. If I had met him just now, I probably would have fallen for him. He looks more handsome, he is smarter, he cares more about his friends. But I'm happy with the way it is, we're friends who share everything, have fun together and argue.

"Y/n? What you staring at?" back in reality, I look at Damiano's face.

"Was just having a closer look at your significant outfit. It really is a masterpiece."

Ethan smiles and Damiano raises his eyebrows.

"You think?" he looks down at him with doubt.

"Asshole" I flip him off.

Of course I know he doesn't mean it because we designed the costumes together. It was just a distraction.

He looks up at me playfully.

"Televotes y'all!" Thomas comes back with another bottle of champagne.

"Let's not celebrate too early!" Claudio says.

I sit down between Ethan and Damiano. We follow the telvoting announcements partly with amusement. I clap along and whistle when Jendrik and James receive zero points. We have a great laugh. We get more nervous as the votings get closer to Italy.

"Italy get ready to receive..." she makes a dramatic pause.

Damiano brings his hand up to his lips in a praying position. I grab the cross shape pendant of my necklace and start to shiver slightly.

"...from the public..."

"Just say it already" I mumble.

"...318 points!"

My mouth falls open and I jump up from my seat. I have a look at the chart.


I bring my hands up to my face and cover mouth and nose. My eyes water up as I feel Damiano hugging me from the side. I can't get my eyes off of the screen with the chart.
At some point Damiano jumps up and down with his hands on my shoulders.

France receives their points and they are still below us. Thomas and Victoria are already crying, pressed against each other. Ethan simply stares at the voting results with tears.

Damiano looks me in the eyes and shakes me. I start to laugh and cry at the same time.

We quickly turn back to the screens. I stand behind Damiano now, my chin resting on his shoulder with my arms wrapped around his torso. Underneath his leather jacket, I can feel the ribs. I press my nose against his shoulder blade, my eyes focused on the chart.

Damiano starts talking to Thomas on his left. I can't hear it because the applause is so loud but I guess it is to embolden him.

Damiano tenses up and stares blankly to what's in front of him. I see Gjon, looking anxious and nervous. We all wait impatiently for the announcement if Switzerland has received more points.

"Starting to feel sick" I mumble into Damiano's back.

"That's the vodka." he responds not moving his head.

At the thought of vodka my belly starts to grumble even more. Damiano begins talking some Italian gibberish to himself which annoys me and I move over to Ethan.

"Merda, just spit it out already." the drummer says through gritted teeth.

I feel that the situation really strains everybody's nerves. I close my eyes and wait for the final results.

"...160 points!"

I open my eyes in shock.

"We have a winner!!!"


pain, pleasure & eurovision ; Damiano David Where stories live. Discover now