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I wake up in my bed. For some reason almost falling out of it because I'm so close to the edge. I guess I'm already used to the other half of this huge mattress being filled out.

Realising what day it is, I hectically search for my phone. A glare at the lock screen tells me it's 10.47 am and I jump out of bed like a maniac.


I brush my teeth while going through my closet. In the end I decide on putting on a sexy, black suit.

"Design by y/n" I smile proudly into the mirror while tying the tie around my neck.

Fifteen minutes late I leave the flat after having put on a new perfume. On my way out I look at a photo of the two of us, back when we just used to be best friends.

"I'm coming baby, hold on a few more minutes."

The ride to the airport is hectic with everybody honking their horns. Sometimes people chatter at open car windows and then don't see the green light.

Eventually with a much more dramatic delay I enter the airport.


Meet us at Ethan's in
20 minutes?

Yes picking up y/n from the
airport right now.


Hastily the phone glides back into my pocket and I try to watch over the big crowd of people, waiting for the arrivals.

Nothing happens at the exit. Many people are already impatient.

"Shit" I think.

She probably already is somewhere around here. My gaze wanders to all the benches but no y/n in sight.

I see a destination board which shows that the flight from Paris to Rome has a delay of 40 minutes which means she's not here yet. This way she won't know I was actually late. I fight my way through the crowd to the front to have a good sight at the door.

It opens just in time and a ton of people come out at once. My eyes quickly scan the crowd, searching for her.

At the very end, behind all people she walks by herself. In one hand her suitcase and in the other one her phone pressed against one ear. For some reason she has a pair of sunglasses sitting on her nose.

As I want to step forward I'm startled by the sound of my phone buzzing. It's y/n.

"I'm right over here." I pick up.

pain, pleasure & eurovision ; Damiano David Where stories live. Discover now