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"Got everything?" Damiano asks.

I look around the hotel room one last time and grab my mask to put it on. We join the rest and help with their luggage because of the instruments. Everyone is hung over but still in a good mood. They hand the trophy from one person to another, cheering.

Eventually Damiano crouches down to the ground, the trophy in his right and a cup of coffee in his left hand.

"Now you look like Gollum" Thomas says.

"My precious!" Victoria hisses, imitating Gollum.

Damiano laughs at that and I take a picture of him in the moment.

"Let's go home kids." Claudio comes with his suitcase and we go to the van that'll drive us to the airport.

I put on my sunglasses and go to the door followed closely by Damiano.

"Hey!" someone shouts through the hotel lobby.

"Måneskin!" bad pronunciation.

I turn around to see Gjon running across the hall towards us. Damiano comes closer and lays his arm around my shoulder.

"Sorry guys but I just wanted to congratulate you properly. You deserved to win and I'm very sorry about harassing you yesterday, or what that was."

"Thank you! Your performance wasn't that bad itself." Damiano laughs in reply.

I smack his chest.

"It's fine everybody does stupid things once they're drunk." I accept the apology.

We say goodbye to the Swiss singer and move on. Out of the hotel a few paparazzis wait and shout question. Damiano just smiles and waves not particularly going to anyone.

"What about the drug test? Are there any results yet?"

I listen up as I hear someone saying that. I turn around to the others, Victoria goes to the man and says something I can't understand from my distance.

I slowed down a bit that's why Damiano takes my hand, entangles our fingers and drags me with him. We are the first ones sitting in the car.

My hand rips itself out of his, making him look at me alarmed.

"What fucking drug test?"

"Chill y/n and let me explain before you come to any conclusions!" he shushes me.

"The internet accuses me of using drugs during the contest."

"What the fuck, why would you do that?"

"I didn't, that's the point! I will make a test in Italy and everything's gonna be fine." he explains raging a little because of my outburst.

I nod in understanding.

"Do they think you're that stupid?" I laugh indignantly.

"Since when did you know?" I ask but then Thomas and Ethan enter as well.

"That was the same goddamn paparazzi that asked you yesterday at the press conference." Ethan says quietly with a cigarette sticking between his lips.

Yesterday and he didn't think about telling me?

Ethan goes to light the cig but I'm faster, snapping it from his mouth and lighting it myself. I take a drag and keep it in for at least 10 seconds observing Damiano.

Ethan is pissed at my action and takes the cigarette back. He doesn't understand why I'm angry, we won't tell the others our problem. As I said, we never do...

On the flight, I don't talk to Damiano but play Bluff together with Ethan, Claudio and Victoria. Thomas and Damiano talk a bit and soon fall asleep.

At the airport the band gets interviewed, that's when I realise how tired they all look and pity them. Yes, I'm tired too but they're the ones standing in the spotlight.

While they answer the interview questions, I talk to Marta, Måneskin's manager. She tells me how we will continue.

"BBC-News wants to talk with them and after that..."

She looks at her phone and mumbles a few things to herself.

"Then they'll do the drug test."

She looks at me concern.

"He didn't coke, did he? I mean of course not in the green room but some other time?" she asks concerned.

"No, we didn't even smoke weed." I tell her.

She looks relieved at that but still not calm.

"Very important for you y/n, on Wednesday the guys have a photoshoot in the Walt Disney Company and I need you to-"

"- do a fitting before that. Yes" I finish her sentence.

"You already prepared costumes, right?"

"Obviously! They're in my studio, I'll pick 'em up as soon as possible." I reply making a note on my phone.

"No worries, first you need some sleep too. I know you partied the whole night with the others."

From the airport, we drive to Victoria. Her parents wait for us there with a meal prepared. We get welcomed with cheers and her dog's barking.

At the lunch table, I sit beside Damiano. The argument is shoved aside, right now they shoud enjoy themselves. Also, we are so tired that our power is used up and it would be a terible idea to get on that topic now.


"Hmm" I reply to Thomas, my mouth filled with a piece of bread.

"Abbiamo vinto!" he raises his arms in the air.

I smile tiredly "Yeah, you did.".

"Who wants the last bit of salat." Victoria asks, not waiting for an answer but directly putting it on her plate.

We drink a bit of wine before the four sit down on the couch for their interview. While they are busy talking to BBCNews, I take a shower and change into my last fresh shirt of my suitcase. I put on a pair of basketball pants from Damiano without asking for permission.

He's gonna kill me.

They finished the interview, Thomas, Ethan and Damiano smoke outside. I can see they have a vivid diskussion.

"Because of the drug thing." Victoria says from behind me.

"Shit." I simply reply still looking at them.

I lie down on the sofa, put in head phones and listen to some lofi beats. Slowly my mind fades and my legs and arms become heavy. The last thing hear is Damiano complaining, probably about the fact that I wear his shorts.


this is a sleepy chapter, the next one will be better :)
and happy pride y'all <3

pain, pleasure & eurovision ; Damiano David Where stories live. Discover now