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"Don't poke my eye out, dude!" I warn Damiano as the pen comes closer.

His hand falls down to the side again.

"Who do you think I am?"

He looks at me as I sit on the bathroom counter in just a thong with wet hair that is tied together to a bun. Damiano has a snitty look on  his face. He crosses his arms over his bare chest as he stands there with only a towel wrapped around his hip.

"Right, sorry! I forgot you're a professional."

"You know, I don't have to do this!" he goes over to his cosmetic bag.

Before he can put the pen back, I grab his wrist.

"No, no, no. Please do my eyeliner!" I beg.

He lets himself be dragged back between my legs. Wordless, he brings the pen up to my eye and I feel pressure on my lid.

He is done with the second eye and I look at him. He doesn't move and just gazes in reverie as the right corner of his mouth twitches up.

"You're beautiful!"

My heart jumps, he kisses me and steps aside to look into the mirror. I sit on the counter not sure what to do now but Damiano already is busy with shaving his beard.

I quietly hop down from the counter, go into the hotel room and start packing.

A knock draws my attention to the door. Damiano rushes out of the bathroom now wearing underwear and a top.

"Get dressed!" he hissed at me before going to the door.

I put on an oversized shirt to cover my boobs and keep packing 'casually' as Damiano greets Leo.

We meet the others downstairs, ready for the departure. The four guys want to go grocery shopping before we leave again. Plus, Leo needs a few clothes because he last minute decided to join us for the rest of the tour. They make their way to a supermarket and leave Vic and me at the hotel. Victoria and I sit down in the hotel lobby.

I grab my package of cigarettes to smoke one last time before we drive to Paris. After I pick one and light it I put the package down on the tiny table. Victoria reaches over and grabs one cigaret herself.

"Is this because of me and Damiano?" I ask, watching her blow out the smoke.


"You're smoking. You quit like three months ago!"

"Right." she answers uninterested.

"What's the matter, Victoria." I roll the r.

She looks at me and presses her lips together.

"You we're right... about me and Thomas. Something was going on and we really didn't know what it was."


"Yes. Last night I told him, I don't want it anymore."

I give Vic a sad look and reach over to hold her hand. But then she starts to smile.

"No y/n, it's all good. I had a good reason."

"Oh my god. What did he do?" I say expecting the worst.

"Chill! Nothing happened...
There is this girl, I've been texting with her and she is so nice." She starts to worship.

"I mean I don't even know what she looks like but her soul is beautiful."

Vic giggles happily and I smile.

"How did Thomas take it?"

"Take what?"

pain, pleasure & eurovision ; Damiano David Where stories live. Discover now