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On our way to Gothenburg we watch the NikkieTutorials video together. Later I watch it again with my headphones on and start to read a few comments.

user1: yayyy Måneskin!

user2: omfg they're so hot!

user3: I thought Leo was Damiano's best friend...

user4: wow y/n is so pretty

user5: are Ethan and y/n together?
—>user6: wanted to ask the same lmao
—>user7: just because they hugged? don't think so
—>user6: he called her honey :0

user8: the girl is not even in the band. Like nobody cares!

user9: she's so lucky to be friends with them, I'm jealous

user10: how can you find y/n pretty? don't get it ew

I swipe away YouTube fastly and focus on what's in front of me. A sleeping Damiano.

Not very helpful.

My eyes shut but my mind is racing. Now I'm in the spotlight too, this won't end well. But I promise myself to not let those stupid comments ruin me, I'll just ignore them like I always do.

In Gothenburg, it isn't as crowded as Amsterdam. This time I go into a room with Victoria instead of Damiano.

"Gosh, this is better than sex." Vic exclaims in a moan as she lets herself fall on the soft sheets of the huge bed.

I do the same and can't help but sigh.

"This is what celebrity life feels like?"

"I guess." she chuckles.

I want to say something but it turns into a mumble because my eyes fall shut already.


It's dark.

"What the hell?" I wonder sleepy.

That's when the sound of a lock clicking draws my attention to the door. A beam of light shines in the room followed by a female shadow.

"Buongiorno, y/n!" Victoria's voice sounds joyful.

The bassist makes her way over to the window and lifts the blinds. I take the second pillow on the bed and cover my face.

"Get up, you slept for like 3 hours!" she yells and the pillow gets torn out of my grip.

As I look up to her with narrowed eyes, she has a towel wrapped around her body and water is dripping from her bun onto my blanket.

"You should go and check out the pool. The guys are still outside!"

"Don't make my blanket wet, you little shit." I groan.

She looks at me in surprise. I don't usually talk to her like that, only to Damiano.


I take a deep breath before slowly getting up. A yawn leaves my mouth in the movement and I look outside.

The sun is a few inches above the horizon and orange light fills the room.

pain, pleasure & eurovision ; Damiano David Where stories live. Discover now