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"Okay." I whisper, running my hand over the material of Damiano's suit jacket.

"You're gonna be fine y/n. It'll be over soon." he presses a kiss on my forehead as I hear a lock rattle.

"Ready?" my dad asks.

We turn to him and I nod my head yes. He looks me up and down with an uncertain look on his face.

"You're wearing a suit."

"Yes." I reply, taking my bag.

"But I thought you'd wear a dress."

"I don't know what made you think that... clothes don't have a gender, dad." I explain calm.

"Alright, let's hope you won't draw too much attention to yourself."

My jaw clenches as I hear what was always thrown at my head. The fear of people talking.

Damiano strokes my arm reassuringly. I exhale one time before we all make our way outside.

My father reaches out to take his car keys but I stop him.

"What are you doing? You'll drive with us." I rather order than offer.

He thanks me and we walk up to Damiano's car. I sit down in the back to let my dad have more room for his legs. I can't believe I'm this nice today but I guess it's because I feel sorry for his loss.

The whole ride we sit in silence with the radio playing indistinctly. My dad watches Damiano's movements and the way her drives, probably considering if he's the right guy for me.

Damiano on the other side has both hands stuck to the wheel only letting go when he needs to change gears. He feels uncomfortable being watched by my dad. Usually in those kinda situations he would snap at people but he won't do it this time because it's my dad and we're driving to the funeral of his wife.

Finally there, a lump forms in my throat. We are the first people at the church (sorry if your family isn't ecclesiastical). Slowly more guests arrive. Some are strangers that sit down in the back of the cathedral and a few were friends with my mother.

Ten more minutes until the service starts... Uneasy I stand there with Damiano's hand on my lower back signalising everybody we belong together.

"My condolences, y/f/n."

I hear a quiet sobbing from my right and dare to turn towards the source of it. There is an old lady hugging my father, it's my grandma.

She moves on and then stops where I am.

"And who are you?" she asks with a sad smile.

"It's me, grandma, y/n." I introduce myself.

My grandmother gasps in shock and without hesitation reaches over to touch my face.

"My little princess, you are so pretty and grown up."

I close my eyes at her touch and smile. It's crazy how a little gesture like that can make you feel better.

"I didn't expect you to come."

"Well, I'm here now!" I state the obvious.

"And that?" she refers to the talk guy standing behind me.

She whispers but Damiano can definitely hear it.

"He's my boyfriend." I smile a bit.

The old lady nods her head in approbation.

"Take your seats kids." my dad interrupts the nice chat.

I take Damiano's hand and drag him over to the very edge of a bench after saying goodbye to my grandma.

pain, pleasure & eurovision ; Damiano David Where stories live. Discover now