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(Before the chapter starts: if you're German, let's just pretend it's normal for Germans to speak english with each other cuz I obviously can't make it matching for everyone. thanks <3)


-After a looong fucking car ride and exhausting arrival in Berlin-

"Slow down, dude! Water, Bananas, Tomatoes and the other stuff I didn't get." I say hectically.

I scribble down the shopping list on my arm with my phone stuck between shoulder and ear.

"Cigarettes, if they have anything good. I've never bought any in Germany. And just the basics, what we like to eat." Ethan answers from the other end of the line.

"Do you want any-"

"I have to hang up y/n. The fans are waiting."

I can hear a lot is going on the background.

"Okay, okay!"

The beeping sound blares in my ear and I pull the phone away from my head. Looking up, I see the super market in front of me and walk towards the entrance.

"Würden sie bitte einen Wagen nehmen?" a security guard that I haven't seen before addresses me.

I stop in my movement and look at him confused. He points at a sign in front of me and I realise, I have to take a cart.

Inside (now with a cart) I buy what the others asked for and most stuff intuitively. In the end I have to take two bags for transport because I bought too much.

At the cash register I have to buy cigarettes. That isn't very easy because the cashier doesn't speak English but I manage to tell him what I want.

Out of the store I take break and grab one of the new cigarettes. I search for my lighter and realise I left it in the van when we arrived in Berlin. It was so hectic because people where coming together and fans just started surrounding the band, especially Damiano.

"Shit" I mumble.

A few meters further, a group of 5 around my age chats and laughs loudly.

Ah, fuck it!

I walk up to them confidently. The two girls and three guys actually look kinda nice.

"Hi! Does anyone have a lighter?" I draw attention to me.

The people turn towards where I stand. I simply smile at them, in hope this won't be an awkward conversation.

"Depends! If you have a cigarette for me..." a guy says in a German accent.

I can't help it but smirk mischievously.

"So that's how you ply it!"

"Deal?" he smiles at me.

I hold the new package of cigarettes towards him. He takes one, lights it and then throws the lighter over to me.

"What's your name?" a blonde girl that stands beside me asks, curiously.

"Y/n, and who are you guys?" I ask before lighting the cig.

"I'm Sarah." she answers.

"Clara." introduces the other girl herself.

She has dark hair and wears lots of make-up in comparison to Sarah and me.

"I'm Luca and this my brother Linus." says a guy with brown hair and points to a someone who looks like his clone with a base cap on.

pain, pleasure & eurovision ; Damiano David Where stories live. Discover now