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"Lovely" Damiano looks at what Victoria is wearing.

He tries not to act off guard and actually does a pretty good job but Vic is not stupid. She just let's out a laugh and shakes her head.


"What's the matter now?" Damiano asks genuinely confused.

He's such an actor.

"You guys are acting... different."

"Isn't different a good thing?" I ask her provocatively.

"Of course it is! Y/n, you know exactly what I mean." she gets pissed and impatient.

"But I don't." Damiano teases.

"You seemed way too comfortable and that makes me feel weird, alright!" she blurts out.

"Does this make you feel uncomfortable?"

Damiano lays both arms around my naked waist and I let my hand run inside his blaiser to touch his soft skin.

"Alright guys, I got it. You're very touchy today. Let's go!" she rolls her eyes and stands up.

Damiano and I high five. I put on a couple of necklaces before he opens the door and let's me walk through.

First thing I hear is a whistle. Thomas looks me up and down and Ethan leans against a wall giving me an approving look.

"Mamma mia, what a fashionista!"  he says.

"Well, I most certainly hope so!"

I turn around two times to show my outfit and end in an exaggerated pose. Ethan claps with a smile.

"Am I air or what?"

I look back to Victoria who rotates one time too and have to laugh. Thomas teases her a bit as I put on my low cut Dr. Martens.

Everyone gathers their handbags and stuff together as I wait at the door.

"Andiamo, andiamo!"

Damiano approaches me and squeezes my left side. An uncomfortable feeling makes me twitch and out of reflex my fist hits his shoulder repeatedly.

"You little bitch!"


The door falls shut after Thomas is the last to come out. I lock it and we make our way downstairs.

"You saved us seats?" Damiano asks Thomas, both a cigarette between their lips now.


"Hm?" Damiano nudges me from the side and offers a cig.

I take it, he lights it and we walk to our favourite club arms entangled even though it's pretty warm outside.

I feel the jealous looks behind my back as we pass the queue and are let in by the security guard who is a good acquaintance of Thomas. The air inside is cool not sweaty like usual. It's been a long time since we've been to a club.

"Bona Sierra!"

We get greeted by a bar tender who leads the way outside because of COVID-19, we're not allowed to sit inside. They practically brought it all on the huge terrace.

Techno music plays loudly through speakers and I see people sitting at the tables and a few dancing in an area that has been emptied of furniture.

We all order wine as a start when we take our seats. It was pretty stupid of me that I didn't eat a lot at home, the alcohol is so gonna get me tonight.

pain, pleasure & eurovision ; Damiano David Where stories live. Discover now