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We scream along as Blind Channel sings their final words. A loud applause sets an end to the performance and we sit down again, already out of breath because of dancing around.

Claudio tells everyone to gather around. I walk towards him with Damiano on my side, he has his arm around my neck and due to the height difference, my arm is wrapped around his waist.

The band, Claudio and I put our heads together. He says a lot but I don't understand it because it's in Italian. It doesn't make much sense that I stand here but Damiano won't let me go. He is very clingy, always has been.

I hear Mata Hari finishing and Norway being introduced.

"Guys, it's time. Only two more songs, we have to go backstage!" I announce.

We run down to the stage area. Damiano pulls me with him the whole way.

"Only artists allowed in this area." a security guard stops me.

"What bu-"

"Are you a member of this band?"

"I'm the designer." I explain.

Damiano looks at me, moving further backstage. I give him a sign to keep walking.

"Ma'am, I can't let you pass."

"You have to! The lead singers pants have a hole, I need to cover that up before something happens." I lie.

The guard looks back to where Damiano was, just a second ago.

"Live on tv" I emphasise it for him.

"Alright" he let's me pass and I start running.

The four already stand there with their instruments. I hug Thomas and give him a kiss on the cheek, next I do the same with Ethan. I tell him, he'll be fine and that he should just focus on himself and the band. Victoria hugs me tightly and I give her a kiss on the forehead.

Last, I move on to Dami.

"Don't mess it up." I demand.

I know, if I say something personal, I'll start to cry. He does too. Next Damiano pulls me into his arms. I give him three fast kisses on the cheek before they have to hurry to the stage.


Loro non sanno di che parlo
Vestiti sporchi, fra', di fango
Giallo de siga' fra le dita
lo con la siga', camminando

I go back to our seats, so I can watch the performance. Everywhere, followed by my best friend's raspy voice.

Scusami, ma ci credo tanto
Che posso fare questo salto
Anche se la strada è in salita
Per questo ora mi sto allenando

Buonasera, signore e signori

Damiano bows and I see Victoria and Thomas coming forward, rocking the shit out of their guitar and bass.

Fouri gli attori
Vi conviene non fare più errori
Vi conviene stare zitti e buoni
Qui la gente è strana tipo spacciatori
Troppe notti stavo chiuso fuori
Mo' li prendo a calci 'sti portoni
Sguardo in alto tipo scalatori
Quindi scusa, mamma, se sto sempre fuori, ma

Me and Claudio look up to the stage. I observe the band, mostly Damiano. I follow his hand gestures, so I understand what he sings. He starts moving backwards and finally turns to Thomas, signalising that the first chorus starts.

Sono fuori di testa, ma diverso da loro
E tu sei fuori di testa, ma diversa da loro
Siamo fuori di testa, ma diversi da loro
Siamo fuori di testa, ma diversi da loro

I observe the crowd going crazy and moving in tact (well only the ones who aren't wasted yet). That's when I start to relax a bit and nod my head to the beat and sing along loudly.

Io ho scritto pagine e pagine
Ho visto sale poi lacrime
Questi uomini in macchina
E non scalare le rapide
Ho scritto sopra una lapide
"In casa mia non c'è Dio"
Ma se trovi il senso del tempo
Risalirai dal tuo oblio
E non c'è vento che fermi
La naturale potenza
Dal punto giusto di vista
Del vento senti l'ebrezza
Con ali in cera alla schiena
Ricercherò quell'altezza
Se vuoi fermarmi, ritenta
Prova a tagliarmi la testa

Damiano raps so fast, I can't follow but I move my head from side to side, feeling my heart race, gaining tempo towards the chorus.

Sono fuori di testa, ma diverso da loro
E tu sei fuori di testa, ma diversa da loro
Siamo fuori di testa, ma diversi da loro
Siamo fuori di testa, ma diversi da loro

Damiano bends his knees and crouches his back. I have a look at his tattoos which I can see perfectly on the monitors in the arena.

I smile because I have to think back to the time he told me their meanings. That was actually the day, I got introduced to the band because they were looking for a designer, a year before the ESC. And they took me, a girl from y/c (an: your country) I don't think they did it because of my skills but mostly because I was their age and loved rock. We got along right from the start.

The second chorus is over and Damiano turns around.

"ROTTERDAM, MAKE SOME NOOIIISSSEEEEE!!!!" he screams before the bridge.

I turn around to the other contestants behind me and gesture them to stand up.

Parla, la gente purtroppo parla
Non sa di che cosa parla
Tu portami dove sto a galla
Che qui mi manca l'aria

Parla, la gente purtroppo parla
Non sa di che cosa parla
Tu portami dove sto a galla
Che qui mi manca l'aria

Claudio puts his arm around my shoulder and we start to sing again, now bending our knees just like Damiano and Victoria.

Parla, la gente purtroppo parla
Non sa di che cosa parla
Tu portami dove sto a galla
Che qui mi manca l'aria

I now look Claudio in the eyes as we scream the lyrics in each other's faces. I push him away gently as soon as the bridge is over.

Ma sono fuori di testa, ma diverso da loro
E tu sei fuori di testa, ma diversa da loro

Goosebumps cover my entire body when only the drums and Damiano's voice are being heard. Damiano climbs up the stairs to Ethan whose face you can't see because of his long hair. I let out a slight chuckle.

Siamo fuori di testa, ma diversi da loro
E siamo fuori di testa, ma diversi da loro

With Thomas' riff I jump out of my freeze and enjoy the last lines with closed eyes.

Noi siamo diversi da loro

Damiano does the death drop, I practiced with him before the show and thanks the crowd.


pain, pleasure & eurovision ; Damiano David Where stories live. Discover now