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In the corner of my eye, I see Claudio hugging a crying Thomas, Victoria and Ethan (Ethan is completely astonished). I turn around to Damiano who out of disbelief crouches on the ground.

I walk behind the couch and stand in front of Damiano. He grabs my hands and pulls himself up. With an uncontrolled energy he throws himself at me and we jump around in joy.

Next, Damiano goes to Claudio and they high five. I have to cover my mouth with one hand because I can't comprehend it. Victoria jumps over the couch and we hug so tight, we're not able to breath.

"We did it y/n!" she screams in my ear, making me think I'm deaf on it for a second.

"You fucking did!" I exclaim.

She kisses both my cheeks, leaving wet spots behind. Everyone around us claps and cheers so loud that I can't hear what is coming through the speakers.

I rush over to Thomas as soon as Victoria let's go of me. I hug and shake him. He buries his face in my shoulder and I feel his sobs. I can't help it but start to laugh. The laugh eventually becomes a cheer. I have Claudio's attention and we hug. Damiano joins us and we start jumping around in a circle just like soccer players after they've won a match.

We part again and I have to stand still for a moment and reign for air. As I do, I see Damiano surrounded by the three Serbian singers congratulating him. Before a feeling of jealousy can take away my joy I walk over to Ethan. He sits on the ground, his hands cover his face, fighting back tears.

From behind his back, I grab his shoulders and shake him forth and backwards.

"You won!!!" I shout over the cheers.

He slowly stands up and turns around. I see his face filled with emotions and have to take him into my arms. He hugs back, his right fist pats my shoulder roughly. It hurts a bit but I ignore the pain, too happy at the moment.

They have to go up to the stage because of the winner performance. The last thing I see is a failed piggyback of Damiano and Victoria. On the big screen, I see them running through the arena screaming and grimacing.

"You think they're able to perform now?" Claudio asks me jokingly.

"Why wouldn't they?"

"They're drunk y/n!" he laughs.

I shrug and pay attention to the stage. The four walk hand in hand down to where the trophy stands. I get chills when Thomas and Ethan grab it and raise it into the air.

"We just want to say, to the whole Europe, to the whole world: ROCK 'N' ROLL NEVER DIES!!!"

All the people around me scream. I try to join in but I can't due to the fact that I start to cry and sob quietly. Seeing my best friends up there living a fucking dream is just so overwhelming.

Måneskin makes their way to the main stage for the last performance of the evening. I walk forward so I can stand directly in front of it, not thinking of Claudio.

The music starts to play and I'm the first person to clap along. I observe the aggressiveness on stage and chuckle when Damiano just doesn't sing the first chorus.

The performance isn't as good as the first one but it gives me chills and is so much more authentic.

I dance during the whole song and whistle when Damiano kisses Thomas on the lips. He hears it and flashes me a bright smile which I return.

I watch the tall singer climb up the stairs to Ethan and raising the trophy in the air.

"Noi siamo diversi da loro" he sings the final words and leans on Thomas.

Another round of applause and standing ovation follows. I sense the cameras are turned off and we're not live anymore. Victoria goes over to Thomas and they hug for the 500th time tonight. I get myself up on the stage and take out my phone to take some pictures.

Ethan comes down the stairs to Claudio who is on stage as well now. I look around to see Damiano sitting on the podium with the trophy on his side.

His face is buried in his hands and I can see heavy breathing from my distance. My lips are pressed against each other that I don't start to cry again. I slowly make my way over to my best friend. He doesn't see me coming, that's why he twitches a bit when I touch his arms.

He quickly removes the tears on his cheeks before we lie in each other's arms. He has to spread his legs so I stand in a comfortable position because he sits on the high podium.

"I'm fine" he says, taking a deep breath.

"You know, boys do cry!" I refer to the tattoo on his ribs.

He pulls away to look into my eyes. I look in his dark ones, they water up and he's not afraid to let it out.


We both turn to Ethan who steps towards us shaking his head in disbelief. I move backwards.

Damiano jumps down to the ground. The two boys approach each other and culminate in an aggressive hug. I pull out my phone to take a few pictures. The hug turns into a kiss and I start to laugh out of joy and amusement.

"Oh you want one too!"

I try to turn away but Damiano is faster. He already grabs me by the hips and moves our faces closer together. Eventually I give in, wrap my arm around his neck and we share a wet peck.

As we pull apart, he presses my head against his chest.

"The press is waiting for you, guys!" a woman with a badge around her neck and a head set tells the four of them.


Thank you all so much for the support, this means a lot to me! ♥️

pain, pleasure & eurovision ; Damiano David Where stories live. Discover now