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That evening we don't do much anymore. Just chill in our hotel room with the others, play cards and go to bed early.

The day after that they have a ton of interviews. That one guy Max actually texts me but I don't even open the messages, not interested in socialising that day.


"20 more minutes" I answer a sleepy Ethan.

We're on our way to NikkieTutorials and after that we'll check into our hotel in Amsterdam. Damiano sits opposite me, leaning against the window and taking a nap.

Victoria's head fell on Thomas shoulder while they both were fast asleep and I sit here like a third wheeler on Vic's right and design the last outfit for their performance in Warsaw.

"How is that?" I show Ethan my sketch.

"Is that mine?"

"You're all gonna wear pretty much the same." I say, hoping he doesn't hate it.

"Ya, it's good."

"Huh?" Damiano startles awake out of nowhere.

I let out a laugh. He shushes me.

His lids are pressed together and he looks at me confused.

"Mornin'" I do a saluting gesture.

He just keeps on staring, still in sort of a trance. I just show him my drawing of his outfit and ask what he thinks.

"What?" his morning voice dominates.

"I'm wearing a shirt?"

I let the pad fall onto my lap.

"I can't always let you go without a shirt. They think we want to sexualise you."

He groans and flips me off.

What a bitch.

We arrive at Nikkie's studio and get welcomed by her.

"Hey, guys!"

We greet her. Me and the band go inside. Nikkie is a bit surprised about my presence.

"I'm y/n!"

"You must be Damiano's girlfriend, then." she hugs me.

"Noo!" I deny it a bit too exaggerated.

"Oh, I thought I saw you two kiss on stage in Rotterdam."

"We did kiss but we're not together." I explain.

"Exactly, we're actually best friends." Damiano has my back.

"Oh, interesting. Then I'll be interviewing 5 people today." she announces joyfully.

"Huh?" I ask.

Before I can deny anything, Damiano covers my mouth with his hand.

"Yes. Y/n is not only our best friend but also designer." Victoria tells Nikkie.

"How exciting! I hope you don't mind being in the video."

I forcefully smile and say it's fine. This is not how I wanted it to go. If I knew that I had to be in the video before, I wouldn't have joined them here.

We sit down. Damiano and Vic take a seat in the couch and I sit on a bar chair beside Ethan.

"Hello guys, it's me, Nikkie, and-hold on, we're all screaming right now-Måneskin!"

We wave at the camera.

"And another special guest joins us today. This is y/n and she is the designer and girlfriend of- ah shit." Nikkies laughs.

pain, pleasure & eurovision ; Damiano David Where stories live. Discover now