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We sit in the car to the hotel. I'm not as pissed as before, that was just a frustrating moment. Damiano and I now sit with his legs over my lap for warmth and each a cigarette in our hands. I share mine with Ethan because he still hasn't processed the victory.

"I'd say, we'll get changed and then come over to you." Damiano proposes, looking at Thomas.

"I mean the party just started!"

I nod and the rest of the group agrees. At the hotel we leave the car together, Ethan, Victoria and Thomas go into Ethan's room because he has the biggest one. Damiano and I go the room we both share. I unlock the door and make my way inside, turning on the light when I enter.

"Sorry for destroying the pants." he mumbles as he turns into the bathroom.

"It's fine." I say carelessly.

He doesn't close the door when he uses the toilet.

"How about shutting the door when you take a piss?" I say.

"Hm, nah. What if I fall and you can't open the door to save me." he slurs very convinced of his thought.

"Ya right." I laugh.

I'm sitting on the queen sized bed and pull off my soaked patent trouser. I have to lie down and raise my legs into the air because the material sticks to my skin. I snort out of exhaustion when the stupid pants won't come off.

"Do you need help y/n?" Damiano stands in front of the bed, with a towel wrapped around his hips.

"Yes but please put something on first." I demand.

He turns around to his suitcase and bends down to pull out a pair of boxers. As he does so, the towel opens and falls to the ground. Because we both have no shame (especially after we just jumped into cold ass water), he doesn't try to cover his naked butt up, nor do I look away.

He has problems holding his balance while putting on the boxers.

Eventually his genitals are covered and he turns around. I stick my legs in his direction. He grabs the end of my pants and pulls on it roughly. The trousers come off but due to the strength he put in the move, I slide forward as well.

I chuckle because Damiano throws the wet pants across the room against a wall. A scream leaves my mouth when he suddenly jumps on top of me and takes both my wrists so I don't hit him. His shins rest on each side of my body, he sits on my thighs but not with his entire weight, caring to not crush my bones.

"You smell like river." he says after burying his nose in my hair.

I frown, looking up to him.

"That's not exactly an insult. You should say something like: 'You smell like fish'."

He smiles, his tongue runs over his upper teeth
from one side to the other. He shakes his head at me and leans over my head, our noses are only few inches apart.

"You don't smell bad y/n. I didn't intend to insult you." he explains in a whisper.

Our eye contact is incredibly strong and no one dares to look away. The smell of alcohol and sweat becomes more intense as he bends down even closer. I don't bother though because I know, I don't have a better scent myself.

I see Damiano's hair falling in his face before our lips collide.

I react immediately not really taken by surprise. I don't try to push him away... I don't want to. I close my eyes as my lips copy his movements.

I part them slightly, allowing his tongue to slip inside and meet with my own. I taste his breath of champagne and feel his piercing tickling my nose. Damiano's and my torso touch as the intensity if the kiss inclines. We move more and more aggressive against each other.

Our lips keep on connecting and separating faster and faster, our tongues almost never have to feel alone. He presses my hip into the mattress as my left arm wraps around his neck and my fingers entangle with his wet hair. A heat forms where our bodies touch, by now I don't know whether it's his or my heart that I hear pounding so loud.

Forcefully I push him backwards by supporting my upper body with my right arm. Both his hands get a grip on my naked butt cheeks and we switch positions. As I sit on his bare body and lean in for another kiss, we get disrupted by a vibrating tone.

I groan and look around in the room for the source.

The vibrating stops.

"Che c'è?"

I turn back to Damiano who looks pissed at the sealing. He has my phone pressed to his left ear. I get off of him and walk to my suitcase.

I change into a Calvin Klein sports bra and walk enter the bathroom followed by his gaze as he talks to either Ethan or Victoria. He talks in Italian but I do hear my name a couple of times, he probably blamed me for our tardiness.

I look in the mirror. My mascara and eye shadow has partly vanished or run down my cheek bone. My lips look red and swollen after Damiano's kisses.

I grab two makeup remover pads and fix my face. Damiano hangs up the phone and I hear his steps moving towards the bathroom. In the mirror I see him leaning on the door frame. He checks me up and down, I still wear only a bra and a thong.

His hair looks incredibly messy and I see that his lips also are swollen.

"Blind Channel came to party with us. Ethan's impatiently waiting, I said you're taking too long."

"Typical" I mumble.

I dry my hair with a towel as far as that's possible. He still stands in the door way looking at his phone.

"I have 1,6 million follower!" his eyes widen.

"I know" I simply reply because I already saw it a few hours ago in the wardrobe.

After we both put on a pair of trousers- not bothering about a shirt though- we make our way down to Ethan's hotel room.

Nobody talks a word about us making out, it's as if it didn't happen.


pain, pleasure & eurovision ; Damiano David Where stories live. Discover now