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The next day is incredibly exhausting. Thomas and I have a bad hangover and Marta needs to take care of the costumes at the shooting.

I am so ashamed of myself. She would fire me probably if I weren't close friends with the band but this way she is simply angry at me.

On our trip back home we discuss the next days. The four musicians agree that the next days, they will produce music in the studio. I'm not looking forward to that because Damiano and I are still not on good terms after our fight and I doubt this will change soon.


"Guys the ping pong table already arrived!" Victoria cheers from the terrace.

I walk outside, putting my handbag and jacket on the couch on my way. Vic stands in front of a huge package and starts ripping off the tape.

I help her and we soon tear apart the carton, producing lots of trash.


Ethan and Thomas run out of the door. A puff of air strikes me and I follow with my eyes were they are going.

Both guys are butt ass naked and jump into the pool. Vic starts clapping and cheering. Before I can look a second time, she runs after them only in her underwear.

A weight runs against me but before I fall, my feet loose the ground and two arms lift me up bridal style.

"Damiano!" I scream forgetting about what was and just being in the moment.

He runs as fast as possible with my extra weight and jumps in the pool. The water isn't very cold because it must have been warm the past days here.

We mess around a bit in the water, I am the only one who is completely clothed. Marta comes to the pool to say goodbye because she won't stay.

"And this is no vacation guys! We're going on Europe tour in a week and I want some songs finished by then, alright?"

Marta leaves, we dry ourselves andget ready to start working.

"Let's do some music!"

The four of them sit down around the table on the terrace. They start to talk in Italian, that's when I say goodbye and find my way inside.

I unpack my bag and spread my pencils and approaches if designs across the living room table. Chili barks somewhere in the house.

"Smettere!" I shout.

That is what Victoria always says and then the dog stops barking. It actually worked and Chili comes over to me and lies down on the ground.

I sit, legs crossed, on the couch with a pencil and a drawing pad. I stare at the already finished works, I have to send in for the production, and try to find in inspiration for an outfit they can wear on stage in Berlin.

outfits for:

The rest of the day I work on my to-do's and don't talk too much with the others, knowing they have a lot to do. Sometimes someone joins me in the living room and looks at my drawings.

pain, pleasure & eurovision ; Damiano David Where stories live. Discover now