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The curtain moves slightly, signalising breezes of wind that make their way inside. The air brushes over my skin. Because of the sweat, goosebumps cover my upper body that isn't under the blanket.

Damiano crawls over to me, probably feeling cold himself. One arm wraps around me, covering up my breasts. I pull the blanket further up.

Under his warm touch, my heart starts to beat faster again. I take a deep breath and look to the side. Because of the moonlight that shines through the open window, I can roughly see his back tattoos.

He comes even closer to me pushing us further to the edge of his bed. His hair tickles my neck. I can hear and feel Damiano sniffing in my scent and smile.

We lie in pure silence for a while. Our breaths calmer with every minute. I stare into the dark not feeling any tiredness coming over me.

"I can't sleep." I announce.

His head moves and his lips brush my cheek as he leans over my body to reach over to the nightstand. I have to hold onto him, I don't want to fall down because I'm already lying at the edge of the bed.

He fumbles around and finds the drawer. I hear him grab something out of a box that clicks open and soon after shut. The smell of marijuana fills my nose and I unwillingly smile.

He lies down on his back and I see a small flame close to his face. I see his features for a moment, the cheek bones gorgeously standing out.

The glowing end of the joint is hypnotising. Damiano's shadow comes closer and I lift my head slightly to reach the tip.

In that moment the hand pulls back and he chuckles. He teases me for a few seconds until I sit up and am able to grab the joint.

I don't mind sitting there naked. I inhale deeply and breath out the smoke slowly. My head tilts back and I close my eyes.

"How come, we haven't done this before?" I hear his low and raspy voice.

"Well, we haven't been very affected by one another, I guess."

"The question was rhetorical y/n. But thank you!"

I turn towards him and roll my eyes (he can't see that) and shove his shoulder slightly.

"Oh come on Damia'."

"I always thought, you were hot."

"Well of course I thought you were hot too but I knew you too well."

"What's this supposed to mean?"

"Oh come on you know it's not meant in a bad way."

"What changed your mind?"

I don't answer and go back into my old position of relaxation.


"I thought the question was rhetorical..."

Honestly, I don't know what the reason was that I kissed him and we ended up like this. I just know that I don't regret it.

"Let me tell you something, baby I just wanna hold you close tonight." Damiano all of a sudden starts singing the pre-chorus of 'New Song'.

"And I wanna live, just you and I." He sits up and I see his open eyes shining because of the moonlight.

"Baby, I just want you close tonight" the singing continues.

He doesn't even try to do it quietly but sings in a loud tone.

"Baby, I just want you close tonight."

pain, pleasure & eurovision ; Damiano David Where stories live. Discover now