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Finally, the last song is over and the lights turn normal again. Damiano opens his eyes and readjusts his position so his head doesn't crush my chest anymore. Instead he sits straight up.

"Did you sleep well?" I ask provocative.

"I didn't sleep y/n." he explains.

"But sorry for killing your tits!"

I smirk.

"I probably won't be able to give milk to my 5 kids in the future..."

He chuckles and I wink at him.

We follow the show the Netherlands have prepared, not very interesting. Mostly we drink and talk to the other contestants.

Victoria observes me as I wash my hands after coming from the toilet. I look into the mirror to see if my cropped leather top is still where it has to be, after all the jumping.

Whilst readjusting it slightly, I look at Victoria.

"What is it Vic?"

"Is everything alright between you and Damiano?"

"Ya, why wouldn't it be?" I answer immediately.

"No-No-No. You answered way too fast, that was a lie." she points at me with a grin.

I lean forward and pretend to fix my Make-Up but have to laugh a bit.


"Usually, you and Dami were insperable but now you always hang around with Ethan and Thomas."

"Huh, the fuck are you talking about? We are basically always together, the five of us. It doesn't matter if I sit with Damiano or Thomas."

She pretends to not hear me and just continues.

"And that weird talk before the show began. It wasn't the usual funny chit-chat you have before a show."

"Well, life's not always funny." I mumble.

"Y/n did you have sex with Damiano?" she asks, all of a sudden.

I glance at her for a second before totally loosing it and erupting in laughter.

"Why would I sleep-" the last words I have to whisper "with my Best Friend?"

It just sounds absurd.

"I don't know ... you've slept with Ethan before. Probably with Thomas too but he won't admit it."

"Ethan and Thomas are an other story."

"Oh my god. You slept with Thomas?" she looks at me in shock.

"Aw, are we a little jelly? We only  had sex once, it was a quick fuck, meaningless. Unlike you and him!"

"What?" she asks.

I recognise that she has an uncertain look on her face. I turn around and lean with my backside against the sink, smiling warmly at her.

"I think you're in love, hon."

Before she can respond, I speak up again.

"It's no secret, you've had sex together several times. We all know it."

She has a look of reverie on her face as she stares to the ground processing my words.

"Let's go back, shall we?" I suggest, taking her hand.

"I need a drink." is all she has to say.

"There the ladies are! Took you ages!" Ethan exclaims.

He already has a bit of alcohol in his blood, I realise. A sober Ethan doesn't make comments like that.

"Don't you ever have to use the bathroom?" Victoria says searching the table for her glass.

"Damiano pissed in here." Thomas holds a glass of champagne towards Victoria who pushes it away.

"Nah, he doesn't have the balls for that."

"Talking out of experience?" Victoria provokes me.

I shove her away a bit.

"Drink it y/n." Thomas challenges me.

"20 €?"

"You got it."

We shake hands on it. I know he's bluffing, Damiano wouldn't do that in front if all the cameras.

Without hesitation, I take the glass and drink the liquid in one go. A disgusting taste fills my mouth and I can't feel any sparkling. In the end it burns in my throat and belly. I start to feel sick.

"Fucking bastard, you! Where'd you get vodka?"

They all know I hate vodka and most likely throw up after only smelling it.

"L'ha bevuto lei?" I can hear Damiano's voice coming closer.

I  rinse my mouth with a huge sip of champagne when Damiano's hand touches my back. I can hear him laughing together with Thomas and Ethan.

"Yes, very funny guys!" I say unamused.

I feel Damiano's hand making it's way slowly down to my butt. I take it quickly with my own and entangle our fingers.

"Stop drinking, you're already becoming horny."

I don't even try saying that quietly, we all know each other's weird behaviours.

"Let's sit down kids." Claudio says.

We watch the countdown and do a Mexican wave when the voting stops. Next we hear Destiny being interviewed.

"The decision is made, I'm so nervous." Thomas exclaims, his legs shaking.

He accidentally hits the table with his knee and the glass I just emptied falls down to the ground and breaks.


"It's no big deal, Thomas" I tell him distracted by the hosts talking about the votes.

In the corner of my eye Damiano bends down to clean up the mess. Then I see us on the screens the arena. Ethan tries to get Damiano to look into the camera but there the angle switches again.

"Let's get the bar rolling with Israel, the first of our national juries." one of the hosts announces.

Damiano takes a deep breath and we focus on the screen in front of us.


pain, pleasure & eurovision ; Damiano David Where stories live. Discover now