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The next day in Paris is a hustle. We are late everywhere, Damiano's minidress is too tight and I have to sew it within 15 Minutes.

Everyone, even Leo, is in a bad mood. The four Rockstars luckily catch themselves when they have their performance and interview but as soon as they come back, it's very tense.

Later we get in the car for our long journey across Germany to our final destination Warsaw.


"Can you hand me a Red Bull, please." I ask Leo who sits behind me.

Because I already design a new collection, I want to publish soon, I need to stay awake. Leo rummages through the bag of groceries we still have from our trip to Copenhagen.

"None left." he yawns.

"Are you fucking kidding me?" I groan.

That causes Damiano beside me to open his eyes and exhale loudly.

"I'm trying to sleep here." he mutters.

Vic's attention is on me now as well.

"We had like 18 cans!" I add.

"Now we don't have anything left. What do you wanna do?Don't have much of a choice, so just sleep y/n." Thomas says from where he sits behind me.

I turn around and give him a toxic look. That's when I see that he pulls off his shoes.

"NO! Thomas, the whole car will stink like your feet." I warn him.

"Non provarci!" Damiano is wide awake and looks at Thomas now too.

The blonde band member just keeps on provocatively taking off his shoes.

"Cazzo, Thomas, arresto!" Vic speaks up.

In the corner of my eyes I notice Ethan looking up from his phone and starting to shift.

"Stop the car." he says calm.

Our driver looks back at us.


"I said stop the car!"

Ethan sounds unusually dangerous. He always is the quiet one and barely shows any rudeness. The driver slows down at the roadside.

"And now ladies and gentlemen, we'll get out of here and scream."

Nobody dares to question what Ethan says and we make our way outside into the darkness.

"3... 2... 1..."

We inhale and all start to scream at the same time. It is hella loud but it feels so good. After a moment I realise Damiano has turned around and screams directly in my ear.

I face him and scream back. I guess he was angry at me since we both visited the Eiffel Tower. I look at him while we shout at each other. In the dim light I notice, his eyeliner is smudged probably because he rubbed his eyes.

Damiano's hair stands in all sorts of directions. I don't know how but despite him being a mess, he still manages to look hot. My scream turns into laughter. It feels like ages since I've laughed.

Damiano closes his mouth and stays silent as he watches me with a grin on his lips. Ethan is the last one to become quiet.

We agree that this was a great way to blow off some steam. Even though our throats are sore now, we have a cigaret before we continue driving.

I watch Vic's face being illuminated by her phone display. She has a crooked smile planted on her face as she types something.

I look over to Damiano who blows out smoke and walk towards him.

pain, pleasure & eurovision ; Damiano David Where stories live. Discover now