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"We'll be thinking of you!"

"Love you Vic." I respond.

Damiano looks at me from the door. He makes a movement with his head, signalising that we have to go.

"Sorry, we're already late, gotta hang up."

I hang up the phone, grab my suitcase and leave the flat together with Damiano.

"Ready to go home?" he asks in the car.

"Home?" I say sceptically.

"You know what I'm talking about."

"I know, I know and I'm not ready." I tell him truthfully.

"Alright!" he exclaims and starts the engine.

I smile and face palm.

"It's gonna be fine, love!" he puts his hand on my thigh before parking out.

I smile crookedly at him as he looks over his shoulder to see the street. I must look like an idiot but I don't give a fuck.

"Will it? Love..." I repeat what he called me for the first time since we are in a relationship.

I watch Damiano licking his lips as he looks at the street in front of him. He heard it but doesn't know what to respond. I keep on staring at him analysing his sharp jaw and smooth skin. My gaze goes up to his hair that got cut a few days ago. At first I didn't know what to say but now I think it's hot and looks good on him.

"You done?" he laughs probably feeling me staring the entire time.


"You're obsessed with me." he singsongs.

I scoff.

"You wish! I'm not one of those fangirls, simply... in love, I guess."

My heart beats faster as I unctrolled say that out loudHis head shoots to the side and he looks at me happily.

"Yea? Me too!"

I laugh and he joins.

"Eyes in the road, man!" I shout seeing that the traffic light we approach is red.

He hits the brakes roughly, pulling my torso against the seatbelt and then throw me into the seat again.

"Sorry... but hey, we're in love!"

"And we're a little too happy to be driving to a funeral today." I say reminding us both of the fact that my mom will be buried today.

He stays quiet.

"Thank you for coming with me, by the way." I say after a minute.

"Sure!" he responds.

I feel my phone vibrating in my back pocket. I take it out and see that I received a text from that Max guy. He texted me so much the last days, probably because I made the mistake of answering him. Now it's just annoying.

Damiano glares to the side discreetly but doesn't say anything.

The rest of the ride we talk, listen to music and I fall asleep towards the end.

"Hey!" my leg shakes from side to side uncontrollably as I open my sleepy eyes.

"We're here." Damiano kisses my cheek and leaves the car.

I want to open the door but he already does it from the outside. That' when I look at what's in front of me. The car stands in a huge driveway behind another one.

Looking to the side, there is a house, I recognise. It's the place where I lived until I turned 17 years old. Now I'm back and my mother is... gone.

pain, pleasure & eurovision ; Damiano David Where stories live. Discover now