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I woke up the smell of meatloaf filling my nose. I rubbed my dry red eyes slowly sitting up. After I took a bath I went to bed. I was both mentally and physically exhausted and looking outside I realized it was dark. I checked the time and it was close to 6. I was really asleep for 8 hours?

Memories of early rushed into my head and I couldn't help but want to cry again. I held it in giving myself a minute to get myself together. All I've been thinking about now is that everyone knows.

I pulled out my phone looking at my notifications. A few text from Karl and Bad also Wilbur asking to record a video soon. Maybe I could talk to him about everything?

No I shouldn't he is hours away and I didn't want to stress him.

After a few more minutes letting everyone know I was ok I made my way downstairs. The smell of meatloaf hitting me even stronger. Annie noticed me and ran up hugging me.

"Hi Georgie! Mom is making yo meatloaf and potatoes for dinner." Annie told me running over to Mom now. "I said you would want chicken nuggets but Mom says that's what I would want."

"Thank you." I mumble walking over to the kitchen too. Annie was sitting down on a bar stool playing with some sort of toy on the counter.

"How are you feeling?" My Mom asks rubbing my back comfortingly. The smell of food was nice and I didn't realize how hungry I was till now.

"I'm doing better still a little tired." I reply letting her cook again.

"Ok well dinner will be ready in a few minutes and after we can do gifts if that's ok?" I hesitantly nod my head before dismissing myself to wash my face. I knew I had dried tears that I was to lazy to deal with earlier.

I walked into the bathroom splashing cool water on my face. I practically slept through my whole birthday but an hour from now it would all be over. And I just hope it would come sooner.

When people say holidays and special days are the hardest, they mean it. I already have so many issues going on and adding this just pulled the whole pile down. Breaking was awful but at least I feel a little better now. Everything is out which scares me but it's not held in anymore and that's good.

I took a few breaths trying to compose myself before going for dinner. Dad used to always make a special cake for me so this year that's not happening. Mom probably got a cake from the store which is fine.

I walked back into the kitchen right as Mom was plating the food. I sat down at my seat helping her make Annie's plate.

"Stop it birthday boy you shouldn't have to do anything today." She gives me a warm smile which I gladly give back.

We had an empty seat and I imagined my Dad sitting there cracking random jokes and congratulation me on turning 18. I was now a legal adult and I cried for hours.

"Alright go ahead and dig in I hope you like it." My Mom said as all of us took a bite. It was delicious as always.

"It's amazing Mom thank you." She smiled happily before eating her own food. Me and Annie were talking about school while Mom sat and listened.

"Oh and after the test which just saying once again I got a 95 on Drista and me got to put stickers on our locker since we got an A!" At the mention of Drista I drop my fork. It only made a small clutter but both girls noticed.

"George honey you okay?" I nod my head picking my fork back up. I don't know why I overreacted to Drista. I mean she hasn't done anything to me. It's her brother.

That stupid piece of shit now knows all of my secrets and is probably just going to to make it worse on me. More punches and name calling. Probably planning to ruin my life. For some unknown reason he hates my guts and has clearly showed it by bullying me.

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