A/N + Q&A

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Hello! Just wanted to put some questions that I have seen in the comments or stuff that could be seen as some. So here are answers and stuff down below.

If you have any questions just ask them here and I'll respond to them >>>

Also if you have any ideas for me to write they would be greatly appreciated!! My mind is blank at the moment on what to do.

Q- How come Clay and George never realized it was them on call?
A- A big reason was that the person that they knew in real life was nothing like the person online. Clay knew George as someone who was scared and was shy to him. George knew Clay as rude and an awful person. So the people online who were complete opposites didn't faze them and they couldn't make the connection. In-person when Clay started talking to George like he did online he started making a connection.

Q- Did Delem actually like George?
A- Yes. Delem did like George but he also knew for a while that George liked Clay. He just pushed past it because he cared about George and wanted him and thought he could change George's feelings.

Q-Do other people start streaming or making YouTube videos?
A- I think in the future some of them do. That they got inspired by Dream and George and that the servers they already had become a big part like the Dream SMP and others.

Q- Does George forgive Clay for everything he did?
A- I feel like he does but that doesn't mean scars weren't left behind.

Q- How does Clay feel about everything that went down with his Mom?
A- He hates her for everything she did to his family, but is thankful for the fact that Drista is now his and they have no more ties together. He can take care of his sister but he still misses when they were a happy family and when he was able to be a kid, and he didn't have to grow up so fast.

Q-Do Annie and Drista date in the future?
A- They don't. I never really saw them as anything more than just best friends. I think the smart/kind and funny/social duo just went really well together and that they would be besties for a long time.

Q- How did Karl and Sapnap start dating?
A- They were dating before the story started but I always just thought that they had to do some sort of project together and just clicked. They were friends for a while but after they had their little trio friend group with Clay and Sapnap started catching feelings and asked him out. But that was just kind of how I envisioned them happening.

Q- What happens between Bad and Skeppy?
A- I feel like they both know they like each other but Bad doesn't want a relationship in high school.

Q-How old was Drista when her Dad died?
A- Drista was only a baby. Clay had to pretty much raise her since the Mom got into drugs and alcohol. At the time though the Mom was still around and helped with paying for some things and taking care of Drista when she could. She didn't regret the kids at this point but she was grieving.

Q-What happens with George and Dream in the future?
A- Have to read the epilogue and bonus chapters to figure out.

Questions for you guys if you want to answer

Q-Who was your favorite character?

Q-What was your favorite part?

Q-Did you start reading from TikTok?

Q-Were you team Delem or team Dream?

Q- How was your day?

Also did you guys like this story and the plot? I think it's better than my other story but that could just me being biased. I would love feedback on anything I can improve if I write another story!!

For now, this will be right after chapter 29 but once I do the epilogue it will be after that!!

Also if you want to read bonus chapters I suggest keeping this in your library just because updates will be all over the place!!

Alright, I'm going on vacation Friday so I may or may not do an epilogue down there if not it won't come out till a week from now or so. Sorry! but I think I'll have time to write it.

Anyways hope you have a good night/day and thanks for everything on this story!!

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