Bonus Chapter Three

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George POV

"Are you excited?" Clay whispers into my ear as I rest my head on his chest.

"Of course I am! God Clay, I still can't believe you got us this trip." I kiss his cheek and jaw trying to pull his tall self into a bone-crushing hug. He just chuckled wrapping his arms tighter around me.

'Flight 72c is ready for boarding. Please report to the gate.' An announcement spoke as a lady walked out of our gate to call everyone to board. We waited for our turn having all 5 of us traveling together.

We were going back to my hometown! Somehow both my school and my friends in Brighton got spring break at the same time!

My Mom and Clay surprised us with a trip over there for 4 days. I couldn't be more excited to see everyone again.

As we made our way onto the plane my Mom sat with the bickering girls who were trying to agree on a show to watch. Clay and I sat behind them interlocking our fingers as we waited for the flight to start.

It was an 8-hour flight and we would arrive at 3 am when we got there. We planned to sleep and listen to music the whole way but I know Clay would get bored a few hours in so we would most likely end up falling asleep to a movie.

"Wanna listen?" I ask handing him an airpod. He smiles gratefully putting it into his ear. I leaned my head on his shoulder which was a perfect height for me to be comfortable and not hurt my back.

"George if you get airsick let me know I'll get you some tea or something." My Mom spoke with fondness earning a thank you from me.

We spent the next few minutes making small talk before the flight attendant announced our take-off.

I held tightly to Clay's hand as we made our way off the ground. I wasn't frightened by flying but it wasn't my favorite thing to do.

But holding onto Clays' hand was, so I didn't mind the flight at all.

After multiple movies and playlists, plus an uncomfortable nap we finally made it. Drista and Annie were knocked out and could barely walk on their own two feet. Clay ended up carrying Drista up to the hotel since she passed out on the hotel couch.

We all split a two-bedroom room with Clay and me on one, Drista and Annie on the other, and my Mom on the couch. I fought her for it but in the end, she won claiming she didn't want to sleep with a kicking Annie.

Once the girls were rested in their beds we organized the room. Or pretty much putting all the suitcases in a pile. By the time we were all asleep it was 4 am. I fell asleep in Clays' arm and a smile on my face.

I get to see my friends tomorrow!!

We all woke up at different times but when the girls woke up I was forced to as well. Drista was jumping on Clay who was scrolling on his phone facing away from me. No wonder I woke up so cold.

Annie was poking my face making me squint as I felt her finger come in contact with my eye.

"Oops" She whispered rubbing her tired eyes. I groan throwing a pillow at her. My Mom scolded me earning a chuckle from Clay who I wanted to throw a pillow at too now. I didn't because I knew Mom would get mad.

It's okay I can take away his kisses today.

We all got up and changed into clothes for today. In less than an hour, I would be meeting my friends again for breakfast!

My Mom was taking the girls out while Clay and I met the others. Don't get me wrong I love my sisters but they can be a lot sometimes.

"You boys be safe. I'm going to take the girls out shopping and for breakfast. We will meet back here around 3 then get ready for dinner okay?" She explains grabbing onto both of the girls' hands. We nod giving off our goodbyes.

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