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As I quietly walked out of my room after hours of rolling around and zero sleep, I decided I would do it now.

I needed to be quiet not to wake my Mom. I had watched her walk into her room when we arrived back so hopefully that was where she still was.

I grabbed my keys off the counter walking silently out the door. I didn't need questions from anyone right now asking why I was leaving at 4 in the morning. I didn't know either, all I knew was I had a reason and that was good enough.

I turned on the car pulling out of the driveway as quietly as I could. When I was a little down the road I turned on my headlights and drove normally.

I was really exhausted and it probably wasn't smart to be driving right now, but I needed to do this now. If I didn't who knows what the outcome would be?

He would continue ignoring me during school and everywhere else. Maybe we were already to broken to fix, but I needed to try.

I drove in silence other than the wind blowing through the window to keep me awake. No one was out on the road other than a few cars speeding by for early work days.

My mind was racing and I couldn't help but feel nervous. Like I was making a mistake. What if I went there and he didn't accept me? Said I was to late?

That he changed his mind?

I knew now that I shouldn't have left the house. I wasn't in a good state of mind and with all this sleep deprivation I was even worse. I would end up fucking everything up even more.

But by the time I had made my decision I was already in his driveway. Just one knock on that door and I could tell him.

I mean is their really anything left to fuck up between us?

I sat for about 10 minutes just contemplating what to do. I turned off my car just in case they woke up for some reason. I didn't want to be caught just sitting outside his house. That would just make things even more awkward.

I finally decided to step out of the car and make my way to the front steps. I was standing in front of the red door starring daggers into it.

All I had to do was knock and he would come. Okay maybe it would take a few knocks to actually wake him up, but I knew the basics.

When I finally hit the door it came out softly. Only someone standing right there would hear it, so I started knocking harder.

I made a few sharp knocks before I retreated my hand starting to freak out.

What am I even going to say??

'Hey Clay I actually am in love with you, sorry for not telling you before.'

I couldn't do this anymore. Maybe I didn't wake him up and I could drive away.

I was walking off the steps when I heard the lock click on the door.

I chocked unsure of how I could face him now. The door opened slowly and I couldn't turn around and face him.

"What?" It took him a second to realize who it was before he turned on the small light on the porch.

 He groaned rubbing his eyes. I still wasn't looking at him as I felt myself shaking from nerves. "George? What are you doing here it's like 4 in the morn-"

I cut him off finally turning around. His eyes were puffy and dark circles where under them. A wrinkled t-shirt was on him and a pair of shorts rested on his hips.

"You know when we would play Minecraft, and you would like get me something?" He gives me a confused look but nods his head letting me continue. I didn't really know where I was even going with this.

"And then I would be really surprised and flustered by the gift. I would act really awkward with you and you would get butt hurt thinking I didn't like it. But I actually did and you didn't listen. You would have already jumped to your conclusion that I didn't like it or appreciate you, when that was far from true." I ramble as he looks even more confused than before.

"Do you understand?" I question hoping I didn't have to keep embarrassing myself. He shook his head making me let out a frustrated groan.

"You are stubborn! And you don't listen, and jump to conclusions. And whatever you think has to be right in that small brain of yours!" I criticized.

"Look if you're just here to judge me then can you please leave?" He complained clenching his jaw. His eyes getting glossy.

"God you're such an idiot." I mumble stepping forward forcing his face down to mine. We were inches apart and I could feel him trying to pull away but I wasn't letting him. I wanted to kiss him and it took all I had not too, but I needed to say this first.

"I love you okay? I love how you treat me, and how you make me feel. I love all the stupid night calls and the butterflies I feel every time you talk. I love the way you keep me up at night dreaming about you and all the things we could be. I hate your stubborn ass and the way you treated me and I fought so hard to push you away from me, but I can't anymore. I don't want to push you away. I need you Clay and I love you and Drista and us and your stupid eyes an-"

I was cut off as I felt the warmth of his lips cover mine. I instantly kissed back gasping a little out of surprise. His tongue slipped into my mouth and I couldn't even bother to fight him for dominance. I was just grasping onto each second and the feeling of his lips on mine. I felt like the second we pulled away he would leave, and this would all be a dream.

But I needed air and I had to pull away. He whined at the loss of contact and I couldn't help but giggle. He smiled down at me pulling me into a bone crushing hug as I clutched onto his t-shirt.

"I love you too." He whispered into my ear, kissing right under the back of my jaw. I sighed happily, finally receiving what I wanted.

Maybe Clay wasn't who I thought he was.

Maybe he was everything I was always looking for, and now, I can call him mine.

~The End~

Authors Notes!!

Hello! And that's a wrap! Sorry for the short chapter I just didn't want to drag it on to much. I'll still post an epilogue and a few bonus chapters!! So sorry to keep you busy but I've been at lifeguard training for the past few days and was to exhausted to write!!  I really am thankful for all the support I've been getting on this!! It's absolutely crazy that I got any attention on this and I really hope you have enjoyed it!! Thank you for all the votes, comments, and reads!! I had a great group of readers who commented a bunch which really motivated me to keep this going!! 

 I don't have any story ideas at the moment so if you would like to drop some in the comments I could think about using them or something!! I like highschooler ones but really any dnf ideas or Minecraft stuff works.

Anyways I hope you have a great night/day and please stay healthy and happy!!

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