Bonus Chapter Two

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A few weeks after they got together

Dream POV

Today was the day we were finally moving out of the rundown house I grew up in. My mother did in fact end up selling it not even giving us days where people would come and look at it. She even made the realtor have us kicked out by a certain date, which ended up being today.

The whole Davidson family plus Sapnap and Karl were helping us pack.

We had two different cars since we decided that it would be best for Drista to live with George for now while I found my own place.

I had been looking for a while and finally found a nice apartment. It wasn't anything special but it was cheap and had everything I needed for the time being. I didn't like the idea of leaving Drista but I knew it was the best thing for us.

"Okay here are all of the glasses and bowls." Mrs. Davidson smiled placing them in my car. We didn't need a lot of space considering I was instructed to only take my own belongings leaving everything else there. That included the TV, couches, beds, dressers, and everything that was instructed by our realtor. I just didn't listen about the glasses and bowls.

I will say that woman had no mercy but Mrs. Davidson knocked her down a few pegs considering they worked for the same company and she was higher in the job than her.

I didn't care much anyways I didn't want to keep all the memories from this house. Most of them were bad anyways.

"Thank you, I think that's everything." I smile grabbing the box and walking it out to my car. George was sitting patiently in my front seat bored of all the packing we've been doing for the past 3 hours. He didn't notice me walking over and as I place the box in the open trunk.

Finally, when I step into the front seat he faces me giving a soft smile.

"All done?" He questions sliding his phone into his pocket. I nod my head starting the car and driving to his house. It wasn't a far drive and only took around 5 minutes to get there.

"You know I still think we should have destroyed the house." He prattled smirking at his own thoughts.

"Wouldn't be worth it. I think it's time for me to move to another chapter of my life and knowing her I wouldn't want to deal with any lawsuits from it." I explain gripping his hand as we pull into his driveway.

"You should convince my Mom to let you stay in my room," George mumbles slightly embarrassed. We were both new to this relationship still and I found it funny when he got nervous around me.

"Oh is that so. And why would I do that?" I tease making him blush slightly. He groans stepping out of the car leaving me without an answer.

"Oh come on now answer me, George." I step out walking over to the trunk where he was taking out my overnight bag. I step closer to him taking it from his arm. I rest one of my hands on his waist, pulling him closer. He opened his mouth to speak but another car pulling into the driveway had him walking away from me. I sigh looking at Sapnap who just stepped out of the car. George walked over to Karl helping him get some of Dristas bags out.

After a moment I walked over to help them carry a few bags up to the guest room where Drista would be for the next few months. She already knew and seemed excited but I know it would be hard for her after a while.

I was only going to stay here for the night since I needed time to decorate my own apartment and set everything up. I put in an offer for it about two weeks ago and it ended up being perfect timing for me. I'm able to move in after today!

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